Sunday, March 24, 2024
2024 1/4 done
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Family Pictures Fall 2023
The outfits for these family pictures were a bit of a struggle for me to pin down- and Isla's outfit options kept getting lost in the mail, coming in the wrong size or color, etc so had to be ordered like 4 times. But in the end I love how they turned out!!
Wow, I didn't realize how long it has been since I have done a blog post. Our lives always seem to get super extra crazy in the fall. What with Emery in dance twice a week, Levi with soccer twice a week, Isla in gymnastics and the big kids both doing piano, our "free" time has been extra limited. And my half days on Tuesdays have been dominated by a lot of doctors' appointments. I had my annual physical at the start of fall and my PCP and I discussed that I have signs that show likely Ehlers Danlos. Which I have suspected for a very long time but have never been formally diagnosed with. She recommended I see a cardiologist for monitoring of my aorta due to EDS being associated with an increased risk for aortic aneurysms. So I met with a cardiologist who I really like, and he agreed that due to the risk factors, I should have an ultrasound to get a baseline and monitor for areas of distension or risk. I was hoping the ultrasound would show everything is good but unfortunately, it didn't quite go that way. On the ultrasound, I showed a plaque near the superior mesenteric artery where it joins the abdominal aorta. The cardiologist explained that it is unusual for someone my age to have a plaque like that and that the differential diagnosis is that there may be a minor dissection there- which I am at risk for due to the EDS. So he wants me to have a CT scan of the area to get a better idea of what's going on there and develop a baseline. He also thinks I need yearly follow-ups. They said they would send the referral over for me to get the CT but I haven't heard from the hospital for scheduling yet so I will probably have to call tomorrow. In some ways, it is validating because it means I'm not making a big deal out of nothing but also I guess I hadn't planned to have to have standing appointments with a cardiologist! I think I'm still processing that.
Anyway, in addition to the cardiologist I also saw an ENT/allergy specialist recently and had allergy testing done. Unfortunately, this wasn't a great experience because even though I have what I feel like are clearly allergy symptoms, I didn't react to anything on the subdermal test and then only showed very minor reactions to cockroaches, birch and mesquite on the injections. I just feel like, I know I am allergic to grass and have a distinct negative reaction, especially to being around cut grass, and yet for some reason, I didn't demonstrate any of that on testing! And I know I am allergic to flowers, particularly roses, but they don't test for that on the standard allergy panel. Anyway, so when my allergy testing was so.... inconclusive, the ENT suggested scoping my sinuses, which I agreed to not knowing he would do it right then and there! That was kind of awful. I super hated the sensation. But he said everything structurally looked normal and that he could tell they were allergic -lots of clear drainage and swelling without any signs of pus or infection. So he recommended nasal rinses with saline and also a steroid. So I started doing that even though I super hated the sensation. It definitely helped right away with me being able to breathe through my nose. I loved how my nose felt afterwards. Unfortunately, the stuff didn't seem to drain the way it was supposed to and instead just hung out in my sinuses and slowly dripped down my throat all day which after a couple days was not only annoying but also gave me a sore throat and then a worsening cough. After a week, my cough was pretty gnarly so I stopped doing the rinses. Once I recovered from my cough I decided to try again just in case my cough was actually caused by a random virus I happened to acquire at the same exact time. However, when I tried again, my sinuses really hated it and my right sinus swelled up intensely. It legit felt like I had a sinus infection for a day. So after that I haven't tried again. I have a follow up with him on Friday and I am honestly kind of dreading it. Maybe I'll skip it and go to someone else.
So not only have I had appointments with cardiology and ENT, I also saw dermatology recently about a suspicious spot on my leg. When I saw the dermatologist she was like, "oh yeah, that's not cancer but it will keep growing if we don't remove it." So obviously I had it removed- which was no big deal. She numbed it up and it was totally fine but then afterwards it did bleed excessively and I had to go back in after I got in my car and realized I had blood running down my leg (I couldn't feel it at first due to the lidocaine haha). But yeah, she had to put a stitch in and so then two weeks later when I went to get it out, her medical tech was so rude! She was like, "This won't hurt at all." But it totally did hurt! And when I told her that she was so rude to me, she was like "I had a little boy in here the other day that didn't even flinch." Which is so inappropriate to say to someone! And then when I mentioned the incident to a fellow dance mom who I'm friendly with and who happens to be a PA for a pediatric plastic surgeon and so does a ton of stitching up and stitch removal she was like, "that definitely hurts!" So again that was validating.
But yeah, I've basically just had a ton of medical appointments lately. And thankfully the kids have been pretty healthy so far this fall (knock on wood) but Isla had her well child check up, the kids had their flu shots and I had to take Emery in also because she's been complaining of her stomach hurting a lot lately. Turns out it's her old nemesis constipation rearing its ugly head again so we're getting back into a routine of giving her Calm medicine (magnesium supplements) every day and really pushing the fluids again.
Ok, moving on from medical updates. Here's what's new with the kids:
Is growing taller by the day I feel like. He is looking very grown up these days. He has had a great soccer season and his teacher reports that he gets along with everyone at school where GT and art are some of his favorite subjects. His favorite thing to do at home is to play Prodigy (a math game on the tablet). He continues to be very creative and loves to draw and build with Legos. We recently implemented a visual schedule for him for the morning and it has helped SO MUCH. I no longer have to tell him to put on his socks 3 times/morning haha. He continues to be a bit chaotic and very messy and his teacher reports he struggles to sit still and listen because he is always daydreaming. He got evaluated by the SLP who reports that he needs speech therapy because he can't say his R's so we are meeting with her and his teacher tomorrow to get that going. Levi is still very cuddly with us family members and loves to come over and sit on my lap and then giggle when I tell him he's smashing me haha.
Loves her dance class and kindergarten. She has been very into fairness lately and is quick to point out any perceived injustice. She continues to be very nurturing and also feels all the things big and expresses them big. She is quickly progressing with her reading and also likes to listen to audiobooks, especially the Stella Bats ones. She's our little sweet tooth and quite the negotiator at dinner to figure out exactly what she needs to eat and how much to get dessert.
Is so very, very mischievous and independent. She climbs EVERYTHING. Her favorite is to climb into the fridge or climb into a sink and turn it on. We have to have child locks on everything including the fridge and freezer and most of the doors in the house! She also recently started climbing out of her crib so we took the crib down and now she sleeps on a mattress on the floor in her and Emmie's room and we had to put a child lock on their door on the inside to keep her contained during the night and nap time. She continues to be a very early riser and usually gets up around 5:20 am daily. I was terrified of daylight savings time today but she went to bed late last night due to Levi's end-of-season soccer party so she actually slept in until 5:20 like normal. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
Isla started gymnastics recently as a birthday present from her grandparents and she LOVES it. She asks to go every day and she is so good at it! She can do the rope swing into the foam pit by herself, climb the ladder on her own, and even hold herself up on the bars. Her coach is very impressed.
Isla is also very independent. She likes to put her shoes and socks on by herself, help with washing dishes and get herself her own snacks. The other day she asked for milk and I was too slow in getting it so she went into the fridge and got the milk, then climbed on the counter, got herself a cup, and then poured herself (And the counter) some milk! I was like, how is it that you only just turned 2?!
She loves it when I let her practice stirring and pouring water from one container to another.
Isla also loves music and can sing all the words to abcs, twinkle twinkle, little star and old Macdonald. Her favorite bedtime song though is The Goldfish by the Laurie Berkner band which is so very random. She loves her baby shark blankie, and LOVES stuffed animals, the larger the better. She got a giant wolf dog stuffie from Papi and Nona for her birthday which she loves and also a panda which she picked out from the zoo when I took her on her birthday which she also loves.
She had a blast playing with cousins riding on her new wolf-dog!
This is where I found her one morning as we were trying to get everyone out the door for school- just chilling upstairs with some snacks. I love her expression in this, like "you better not be coming up here to make me move" haha
Isla can be bossy and tends to hit, especially Emery, when upset or frustrated. But she is also very loving and quick to say "sorry" if she hurts someone. She talks in full sentences and is very expressive. I super love having her as my buddy at home on Mondays and Fridays and feel so lucky to have this time with her!