With all that said, I am starting to gradually get a little bit better. And I'm finally letting myself hope that this pregnancy, unlike the last one, the nausea and the vomiting may actually go away before baby is born. I still have some pretty intense food aversions and I still deal with significant nausea for good portions of every day and I still am incredibly fatigued, but the vomiting has shown a slow but steady decline over the last few weeks. Maybe it's because I fought hard at the beginning to get zofran right away and I have stuck to a schedule with it. Maybe it's because my awesome midwife has let me get IV hydration and meds at least once a week for the past 5 weeks. Maybe it's because I am taking it easier than last pregnancy and letting myself let everything go and just rest more (much to Levi's chagrin). Or maybe it's just that my body is getting a little bit better at this whole growing a person thing. I don't know. But the fact that I have already had days where I've been able to go the whole day without throwing up means I am already way better than I was at this point in pregnancy last time. So that makes me hope.
Usually fall is my very favorite time of the year but this year, it's been hard. And it is hard for me to see the beautiful colors outside and know that I'm missing out on things I would normally be doing with Levi this time of year. I have to remind myself that he won't remember any of this and that in the end, a sibling for him is a much bigger gift to him than anything we may be missing out on doing together now. But we have really made an effort when I am up for it and done some things as a family to enjoy the season anyway. We took Levi to an alpaca farm one Saturday. We went to an apple festival. We went to the ward Halloween party (Levi dressed up as a very cute dinosaur, Eric as wolverine and me as a functioning human haha). And this weekend, Eric and Levi and I went up to Anderson Island again. We got to have dinner with Anne, Manbir and Simon which was wonderful and then took the ferry out to the island and stayed the night in the same place we did last year. It is just so beautiful and peaceful there, I love it! And I actually felt pretty good almost the whole time we were there! I am so grateful we got to have that little escape, even though Levi did pour soy sauce and dump sugar all over the kitchen floor at one point!
Anyway, that's how our life has been lately. I haven't posted in forever so I have about a million pictures. So I will weed through them and try to post just the best ones. So here you go!
Levi was definitely unsure what to think of the alpacas! But they were super cute and soft and curious about us!
Typical shot of my bedside table this pregnancy: drugs, crackers, water alternatives (because water = evil), seabands (before I gave up on them as useless) and my scriptures. Sometimes when I feel just so so horrible, I just close my eyes and try to picture my spirit free of my body and in a place with Christ. It helps.
I absolutely LOVE Levi's face in this picture. In case you can't tell, he's about to throw a bean bag. He has actually gotten really good at throwing!
Levi loves cookies! Over the last month or so his vocabulary has grown significantly and a lot of his new words revolve around food: "cookie," "treat," "bite" and "sip." He also has started to combine words a lot more. He runs up to me whenever I am eating something and goes "bite, please!"
The boy loves cheese!
Some days (usually in a small good-ish window of the afternoon before the 5pm downward spiral starts) Levi and I actually make it to the park. He always LOVES it and cries sometimes when I make him leave.
For Levi, yogurt is a full-body sensory experience!
My mom came up in October and we went to the giant pumpkin regatta. Even though it was POURING rain and we got completely soaked it was fun to watch people try to kayak in giant, hollowed out pumpkins! It looked incredibly difficult to do but also hilarious. Levi however, was not so amused.
Sometimes Levi pulls out the yoga mats, says "piyo!" and then proceeds to do squats or this. Haha. I miss piyo. I miss so much working out and eating healthy and just feeling healthy. I try to tell myself this is temporary, but I still miss it.
Levi and I have spent a lot of time cuddling on the couch and watching things lately. I used to be totally against screen time. Then I got pregnant and now it's like, "hey we do what we have to to get through each day."
Levi loves to puddle jump so we finally got him some rainboots! He is obsessed with them and regularly chooses to wear them even in situations where he definitely doesn't need them. Haha.
Oh hi Mom.
Levi got roseola last weekend and it was so sad! He had such a high fever and didn't want to do anything but sit/lie on the couch, eat cheese, drink juice and watch Elmo.
Levi loved trying on adult sized rainboots at Anne and Manbir's house!
Sunset in Steilacoom, WA
And sunrise on Anderson Island, WA
Levi is going to be such a great big brother! He has named the new baby "Car" and gives him/her lots of kisses already. He will come up to me and say "hi Car" and lay his head on my tummy. It's adorable.