Anyway, it's crazy how the years march on without us doing anything. We can't slow time, or stop it, or speed it up or opt out of its progression. Regardless of what we do or don't do, the Earth still turns, and life moves on. It blows my mind that I graduated from high school over ten years ago. And it is crazy to me that I will soon be the mother to TWO babies. I've been dreaming of a house and making a wish list for it, and we've been planning out how we hope the next few years will go and it feels like we are starting to move into a new phase of our life. Soon to be settled for a while (hopefully) with a house of our own and jobs and kids. No longer brand new to parenthood or the workforce. Raising our kiddos, settling into our stride. It's weird really but also awesome. We have been so blessed. I am especially grateful this year for our loving extended family, our supportive ward family who has been so great at helping out while I was so sick, my sweet son who is learning more every day and surprising me all the time by how bright he is, and most of all for my amazing husband. I definitely could not do this journey through life (and especially pregnancy!) without him.
And now, for the last set of pictures to close out 2017, starting with Eric and my little babymoon to Monterey and then ending up with pictures from my parent's house for Christmas :)
Our first night in Monterey I took this shot and I just love it! It was so beautiful and perfect there. And just after I took this picture we got to see two sea otters playing in the waves and eating. So cute and awesome to see them in the wild like that.
Eric really wanted to climb up onto these giant white rocks so we did. Turns out they were white because they were COVERED in bird poop. Haha. but it was still a great view of the ocean and there were some sweet tidepools tucked away in between the rocks.
Perfect sunny weather
We loved getting to go to the aquarium! We spent about 4 hours there and it was awesome. I think one of my favorite things we saw was the cuttle fish. They came right up to me at the glass and were changing color like they were talking to me! So cool!
The jellies are always amazing to see.
Eric put our initials into the wall of the cliff. He wanted them nice and high up so they would last for a while :)
Levi loved playing grandma's piano. He would turn the pages of the hymnbook, point at a song and then "play" it on the piano. So adorable!
Someone in my mom's ward gave Levi his own little Christmas tree to decorate. He had more fun taking the bells off the tree and shaking them and running around with them than decorating.
Levi knew which stocking was his! Probably the toys popping out of the top were a dead give-away haha.
This face. It sums up his passionate character so well!
Levi loves his auntie Katie!
We went for a short walk up Canyon trail so I could see the edge of the burn and Levi wimped out of walking pretty quick and got Katie and grandma to carry him the rest of the way. It was so awesome to see all the new green grass that's growing where the burn was and how so many of the trees and shrubs are starting to come back now.
This picture was a stressful one to get! Dad's camera was being super funky and not doing what I wanted it to and all Levi wanted was to play with the camera and the tripod! And also I look ginormous! But... I am happy we got a good family shot. I sure do love this family of mine!