Sunday, April 22, 2018

April Showers

Not only have we had a lot of rain this April (I feel like we have been stuck in third winter or something) I have also gotten showered with a lot of gifts this past week! What with my birthday on Tuesday and my baby shower yesterday I have definitely been blessed with a lot of goodies! And we are getting pretty well set for the arrival of baby girl! I can't believe that she's coming in just a month!! I'm so excited to snuggle her cute self and to see what Levi thinks of having a baby sister. The other day Levi and I were eating breakfast and he was like, "MY baby sister" and pointed at my belly. And I was like, "That's right, she's your baby sister, no one elses!" Haha.

But yeah, what with everything going on lately, the last couple of weeks seem to have flown by, which is nice because pregnancy continues to be... unpleasant. I've been really itchy at night so my midwife had me tested for cholestasis. Thank goodness I don't have that but the blood work came back that I pretty anemic so now I have to take iron supplements. Because I'm still on Zofran, my midwife is having me take liquid iron with herbs which is easier for the body to absorb and causes fewer GI side effects. However, it tastes funky and it's making me pee bright yellow! Haha. Also the bottle and I have not been getting along at all! It is impossible to pour out of without spilling! Which is ridiculous because the stuff is also super expensive! So I've taken to using one of Levi's medicine syringes to get it out instead. More things to wash but at least I'm not just pouring money all over my counter! Haha.

Anyway, being so anemic explains a lot about why I've been so tired and out of breath so easily lately. I chalked it up to just regular pregnancy fatigue and the fact that baby girl is compressing my lungs so it's actually nice to know there's something else going on which is treatable so that hopefully when my hemoglobin levels start to rise I'll feel a bit better.

So yeah, we had a busy week last week! On Tuesday we celebrated my birthday. Eric made me dinner, which was probably delicious but I couldn't really tell because I've had a horribly stuffy nose thanks to a cold Levi so kindly shared with me. He also made me a beautiful strawberry cake.

Levi was very excited about my birthday presents and ran off to get his toy tools to help me open them! Haha. He was particularly excited about the new shoes Eric got me and wanted me to try them on right away. Lucky for him he also got new shoes this week! 

On Wednesday we watched Lincoln so his parents could go to the temple. Lincoln is so cute, he's started calling me "Lovie's mama" (he can't say Levi so he calls him Lovie haha).

Friday, I went up to a consignment sale in Beaverton and while I didn't find a baby carrier or double stroller like I had been hoping to, I did luck out on a ton of cute summer t-shirts and short sleeved shirts and shoes for Levi. He definitely needed them so that was good.

Then yesterday Hannah Trujillo threw me a baby shower. She was so sweet to volunteer to do it even though she is actually in the middle of a move (they moved yesterday!) and also ended up in the ER last week due to a super painful ovarian cyst! I feel very blessed to have such a great ward and so many friends who came and showered me and baby girl with gifts! We only have a couple more practical things to buy before baby comes and then we will be all set!

Anyway, that's what's been going on lately, Levi woke up sick in the night with a fever so I brought him home from church right after Sacrament meeting. Poor little man keeps shaking with chills whenever his Tylenol starts to wear off and he keeps crying. He's gotten so good at communicating lately but I don't think he has the words to describe where he hurts or what he's feeling, poor baby. He's currently taking his third nap of the day with his daddy on the couch.

I have to say, even when he's sick he's just the cutest kiddo ever. 

So yeah, that's what's been going on! We've got our hospital tour this Tuesday and then Eric gets to head down to Texas for a business conference and to see his family for the rest of the week. I wish we could go but I guess Levi, baby and I will just have to chill here instead. Which is actually fine because I recently realized that I only have 10 work days left before baby so I've got a lot to do at work anyway! Here's a few more pictures that sum up our crazy awesome life lately: 

This is how Levi rolls whenever I take him grocery shopping. 

Minutes after this he also took his socks off which is also a common occurrence. Two weeks ago we actually lost a sock in Winco because of this! 

Last Sunday we had a game night at the Robinson's house. Us adults had a lot of fun playing cover your assets while Levi had a lot of fun playing with Porter and Riley. This was them sitting all lined up along the wall waiting for Michelle to get them some icecream. Nothing like treats to motivate kiddos to be on their best behavior! Haha. But it was so cute they all stayed sitting right there once they got their icecream and they were playing a toddler version of follow the leader. Porter would do something like tap his toes and then Levi and Riley would copy him. Then Riley would do something and Levi and Porter would copy her and etc. It was so adorable! 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Oh hey Cirque du Soleil!

April's off with a bang this year!

The last week of March was Spring break for me, so no work! Which gave me a great chance to redo baby girl's dresser and finish up her macrame! The macrame was actually easier than I thought it would be and turned out great! The dresser gave me some issues because whoever owned it beforehand tried to hot glue the drawers together! It looked terrible and was definitely not doing a lick of help at contributing to the actual integrity of the drawers. So I had to spend some extra time stripping all that gunk off and reapplying actual wood glue where needed. The dovetails still have some gaps but because they're dovetailed, the drawers are actually pretty stable anyway. Also, this dresser was the first chance that I've had to work with wood filler. I have to say, I didn't do a great job. I filled the nicks pretty well but don't do as well with the old hardware holes. I can still see where they were. But, it was a learning experience and I'm sure next time I will do better. And I am happy with the way the dresser turned out! The hardware looks so good and I love how the white makes the piece feel so much more delicate and less bulky and I also feel like it really highlights the detailing on the bottom.

Look at that nastiness! So gross! Also visible in the background, Levi "helping" and his favorite screwdriver haha. 

Before photo of the dresser


Baby girl's nursery is definitely coming together! Her pegboard is pretty much done, her bookshelves are like 75% finished and most of what we've got left is just to hang stuff up on the walls! I'm excited to get the curtains in there and get pictures of it all once it's all put together. Doing the nursery is by far my favorite part of being pregnant. (not hard since the rest of pregnancy is pretty sucky haha).

Anyway, Spring break ended with General Conference weekend which was also Easter weekend and Levi was very excited for the Easter egg hunt he got to do with his buddies Lincoln, Porter and Riley! We met up at a park between sessions on Saturday for the hunt and just scattered the eggs around the park. I have to say, although Levi was an enthusiastic egg hunter, he was not a super talented one! Haha he would walk right past eggs to pick up other ones and luck was not on his side. For some reason he seemed to only find the ones that had crackers in them! Which he liked at first but I felt bad that out of his 18 or so eggs he literally only had two with candy. Soo I may have refilled some of his eggs Saturday night with chocolate for him to be surprised with Easter morning :)

Anyway, Easter was nice. Katie came over and made delicious treats and we had our traditional Easter ham with rolls, salad and creamed corn (sooo good). No deviled eggs this year but I can't say I missed them much.

On Easter we went and walked around the Temple as a family. Levi LOVES the temple. He asks to go there regularly and always gets so excited when we do. He really wants to go inside it and says that Jesus Christ is in there. I want him to keep this enthusiasm and love of the temple forever! 

Love my boys! Even with Levi's silly cheesy smile he's started doing!

I LOVE all the spring blossoms! They are just so gorgeous! I wish they coincided with warmer weather though.

Then last week was filled with work, and playdates and normal life stuff. Katie came over on Tuesday night and she, Eric and I watched Your Name which was a super good anime movie. I'm not usually into anime but this one was actually really artistic and cool.

This weekend, Eric and I got all the lumbar, hardware and supplies to build Levi a big boy bed! I am super excited about the plans Eric chose and the stain we picked out. Levi is excited about it too. He asked this morning if he could help his daddy build the bed with screws. Levi loves screws, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. Haha. He always wants to help any time we are building or assembling anything and he regularly plays with his set of toy tools. But yeah, I'm excited for Eric to build Levi his first big boy bed and hopefully we can get it done well before baby is born so Levi doesn't feel like baby girl is stealing his crib! Haha. I'm a little nervous about the transition though. Levi doesn't climb out of his crib so I'm worried about what's going to happen to bedtime and naptime now that he won't be confined for them! But at least he has experience sleeping out of a crib at daycare and he seems to do fine there so that's a good sign.

Saturday evening, Eric and I got to go see Cirque du Soleil! It was my Christmas present to him so we've been looking forward to it for a long time and it did not disappoint! I've never been to Cirque du Soleil before and it was just as cool as I was hoping it would be. We saw their new show: Crystal, which is set on ice. I really liked how they used the ice as like a giant screen to project onto. So for example, as Crystal would skate around, it would draw words or a picture on the ice. The whole show was very artistic and I really liked the story of it. It kind of vaguely reminded me of Alice in Wonderland... but with sweet aerials, acrobatics, and stunts. I would definitely see a show of theirs again.

Then this morning Eric and I toured a new daycare facility that is a contender for childcare this fall. We are having to switch because Kindercare isn't taking any more part time kiddos so they wouldn't have a spot for baby girl when I start up work again at the start of the school year. There were some things I really like about this new place. It's a bit more expensive than Kindercare but they feed the kids a seasonal vegetarian diet which is cool and they spend quite a bit more time outside. I also like how they incorporate a lot of art. And when we visited the baby room, all the littles were happy and content which is a good sign! Haha. We are going to get on the wait list and hopefully a spot opens up for our kids before I start back at work otherwise we will have to look into other options. We requested at least a month's notice before I would start back at work to know whether or not they have spots available. Fingers crossed they will!

So yeah, that's what's going on here! We've got another busy month ahead of us but full of a lot of good things: my birthday, baby shower, big consignment sale I've been looking forward to, hospital tour, etc. And every day Levi brings joy into our lives with his hilarious mannerisms (he's started smacking his lips and saying, "ummm" sometimes before he will answer a question) and mischievousness (he's taken to sneaking past us when we open the fridge and running off helter-skelter with whatever contraband he managed to grab!). I am so grateful I get to be his mom!

We babysat Lincoln one of the nights last week and it was just the best! It was way easier of an evening than normal because Levi had a friend to play with! Makes me think we should have Lincoln over more often! Haha. 

My silly boy. He loves to get in the driver's seat and "drive" my car.