Monday, December 3, 2018


 Emery Mae is now 6 months old. I can't believe that my baby girl has been here for half a year already! I just am overwhelmed by her sweetness. I love that I am still wearing her regularly and I savor our closeness. I feel like I baby her so much more than I ever did Levi. Maybe it's just their personalities, but I feel like with him I was always pushing him a little bit onto the next milestone, the next size up in clothes, the next thing he was learning. And he was on the move from so young too! Always just busy. And Emmie is so different. She takes her time with her toys. She likes to sit and chat and watch Levi. And she has started trying to give kisses which is just the cutest thing! She is such a perfect fit for our family. And I feel like she is taking her time to get mobile in part because that's what we need. Heaven knows our house is totally not baby-proofed yet! We really need to start teaching Levi to keep little things up off the floor and out of her reach- particularly food things like raisins! I just need to step it up diligence-wise on keeping the floor clean. I write this as I look at my disaster of a kitchen floor. Holy moly things get dirty fast with a very active toddler in the house!

Anyway, life has been busy lately! We got to go down to CA for Thanksgiving and see my family which was so nice. It was so great to be with them and get to just relax and not have to work or run errands or anything.

I caved and bought Emery the cutest little over-priced first Thanksgiving outfit! She's so cute!

Love this look with Uncle Eric!

She's been really into sticking her tongue out lately which is so cute!

At my parent's house my little family all slept in the same room which was... challenging. I can't say we caught up on any sleep. Levi did great for the most part (even though he kept falling off his little air mattress and ended up sleeping directly on the floor frequently) but Emery not so much. She just has so much FOMO now. She's always trying to look around and make sure she's not missing anything. She won't sleep at church at all now! Which makes for a very tired and cranky baby by the end of church, but thankfully she's been taking good naps after church so that's good. 

She did fall asleep in grandma's arms during third hour! I love her little lip in this picture!

Levi was VERY excited to travel to and from CA. He LOVES airplanes and luggage and buses and traveling. When we woke him up to go on Wednesday morning to head down there he bolted out of bed so happy and excited. And he insisted on managing his own backpack and carryon the whole time. I am interested to see where life takes our little guy as he gets older and if this passion for travel sticks with him.


For the most part, our travels were smooth but on our way back up to Oregon, we did have a bit of a fiasco. Our flight was delayed because the flight crew was late coming in from another flight. So we actually boarded the plane before they even got there. Then once they got there we taxied for what felt like forever. Then the captain came over the intercom and said we had to go back to the gate because some numbers weren't matching up on our weights. (Whatever that means) So we had to go back and they had to re-count all the luggage! And there was another pilot on the plane deadheading to get home and he said that in the 33 years he's been flying he's never had that happen to him before. Go figure. Anyway, we ended up spending twice as long on the plane as we were supposed to! We ended up not getting home until 1:30AM the next morning which was definitely exhausting but thankfully the kids slept in the next morning and Eric took a half day at work so that was helpful. 

And now that Thanksgiving is over, I feel like we are rushing headlong into Christmas. We decorated our house yesterday and Eric and I got a lot of our Christmas shopping done online last night. I'm feeling pretty on top of things as far as that goes actually. But December promises to just be a whirlwind. We've got things scheduled every weekend for the rest of the year and I am so looking forward to spending almost two whole weeks in Texas with Eric's family! That will be so much fun! I am especially excited to stay at Trey and Patty's house with Matt and Greta and their kids and Matthew and Valerie and Silva. I think it will be great for Levi to get to spend so much time with Anson and for us to all be in the same place so us adults can spend a lot of quality time together after the kids to go bed! Yay! 

Anyway, that's pretty much what's going on. Here's some pictures that capture the day to day of the last few weeks:

I absolutely love the connection these two cute siblings have. Levi is so sweet with Emery. He likes to give her kisses and give her toys. I walked in on him doing this and when he saw me he turned and said, "I just rubbing noses with her." So cute! 

Levi figured out how to pedal a tricycle the week before Thanksgiving! I am so proud of him. He just figured it out all by himself. 

I love how they're holding hands! 

Emery really, really likes books. We had gotten this little crinkle book for Levi for his first Christmas and he was never interested in it but Emery loves it! 

Just me and my son walking down the road after family pictures like we're in a magazine haha. 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Davey Family Photos 2018

During Thanksgiving break we got to take family photos with my family up in Annadel. I love that place and we got super lucky with the weather. It was raining every day we were there except the day we were supposed to do pictures! It was great lighting and I love how the pictures turned out! Danielle Joy Photography did a great job! Enjoy!

I just love us!