So Eric and I tried to go to the Temple last night. We haven't been together ever since before baby girl was born! So we went, but first off, I couldn't find my temple recommend so they had to look me up. Fine. But then after we waited a little while for that and they verified my status, they told us that the last endowment session was actually at 6 on Saturdays (it was 6:30 at the time). I was really bummed because we have heard that there were some changes to the endowment session and we were really looking forward to going to it together. But it had been such a long time since we had been to the temple that we decided to stay and try to do sealings anyway. But then someone told us that they were all full up in the sealings office and couldn't fit us in. So we split up to do initiatories and after I had changed and waited a little while they told me they wouldn't be able to fit me in! So I ended up just waiting in the lobby for 40 minutes while Eric did initiatories. It was not ideal. So I was pretty disappointed when we left the temple. I just felt bad that we went through all the effort of scheduling out a time and finding a babysitter who would be able to put both kids to bed on her own and really trying to go and I didn't get to serve at all. I maybe cried a little bit. So then we decided that since the kids were going to bed already anyway we might as well stay out and get some dessert. So we drove up to Portland to this place called Papa Hayden's that we really like. And it was a bit of a pain to find parking but we managed to find a place a couple blocks away. So we go in and they tell us that its a 20 min wait for a table or we can get in the to-go line. Well, we opted for the to-go line but that ended up taking forever too. Then when we finally got our dessert and got back to our car we realized that we didn't have any forks! And we didn't feel like just going home to eat so we found a nearby Fred Meyer to get forks from (and some water because I was super thirsty). So we had to find parking again (always a challenge) then the door we went to was locked because it was late so then we had to walk around the block to the other door. So anyway, then we finally got the water and the forks and got back in the car and decided to head down to the waterfront to eat. But while we were driving I accidentally missed our exit so then we had to take a SUPER long detour. And then when we FINALLY got down to the waterfront it was super foggy and we couldn't even see the river AND there was no parking anywhere. So we ended up just driving home anyway. So basically the whole date was me just waiting for things and driving around. I kind of whined about it a little not gonna lie. Eric and I joked that it was the kind of night that would be in a rom-com if we were funnier people. You know, where all the mundane little things just keep going wrong!
Anyway, it's kind of been one of those weeks actually. It was Katie's birthday (yay!) so we took her out to dinner on Thursday. But we ended up having to wait forever to be seated and then wait a super long time for our food so Levi started to kind of lose it. Then Emery managed to grab Eric's water glass and dump the water all over my leg and shoe (fun). Then while we were packing up to go, Eric knocked over his water glass again and also the bag holding the boxes of cheesecake to go and Levi had a meltdown: "My cheesecake! I not want my cheescake fall over!!" He was literally scream-crying. He was just sooo done. It was way past his bedtime. So then we quickly exited and went out to the car. But it had been raining so then Levi slipped trying to climb into the car and he ended up falling out of the car and into a puddle. Poor kid. So that, of course, made him lose it again. It was a bit of a disaster!
But! On the plus side, Emery has finally been sleeping better again. She slept through the night both Wednesday night and Thursday night and then the last two nights she only woke up once to eat briefly and then went right back to sleep! She also, put herself down for a nap all on her own once this week! Woot woot! She has also been tolerating food a lot better now. I think the probiotic has made a big difference. She has found a new love for wheat cereal and for the pedal pedal peach applesauce packets from Costco. I think she would really love to be able to feed herself. She tries to grab our food all the time and the other day she managed to snag a bite of Levi's peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Haha. I am looking forward to when she gets just a little better with her oral motor skills so she can do more finger feeding. I know I could do a more baby-led weaning type of approach but... I'm lazy and don't like to have cook fruits and veggies to make them soft enough to give her. I would rather make a big batch and puree them so I have more to easily give her in the future.
Anyway, so that's how life has been since we got back. Working and falling back into the daily routine. Emery is getting more frustrated that she can't figure out how to crawl. She tends to push backwards accidentally which is very annoying to her.
I'm looking forward to this week because Mom comes into town to visit! Yay! And then on Friday Emma and Spencer are coming so we'll get to have dinner with them. And then on Saturday Mom is watching the kids for us and Eric and I are doing a little get-away to the coast! We found a hotel right on the beach with a beautiful ocean view and I am seriously so excited to just curl up and watch the waves and do nothing! It sounds glorious.
Anyway, to wrap up, here are some pictures from the last couple weeks!
She is just the cutest little "driver" ever.
I'm so glad that Levi will use his chewy (when prompted usually). Here it is successfully re-directing him from chewing on the divider at the airport!
Levi looks so much like a little missionary when he wears his white shirt, tie and backpack! He's so cute I can't even handle it!
This picture seriously cracks me up! This is Levi's almond milk. It's as if it's saying, "Nooo don't give me to the toddler please!" Hahaha
Emery has been really into crossing her little ankles in sitting these days. It's so cute!
Little miss's tongue has white patches on it. I took her to the doctor on Friday and she said she may have thrush but can't say for sure. She said to just watch it for a week and if it doesn't go away or if I start to get to symptoms to treat her with an anti-fungal she prescribed. I'm super hoping it's not thrush and that I don't get it because that just sounds awful.
Levi is getting even better at holding his ukelele properly and strumming it. He's such a little musician.
Ever since our trip to Texas, Levi has been even more into luggage, planes and airports. Here he and I built an airport out of his toy boxes and blocks. The train tracks are the luggage conveyor belts. Also, notice the giant messy pile of toys in the background. Levi has been unfortunately into dumping out his toys lately and then refusing to clean up! It's been a thorn in Eric and my side lately!