Anyway, in all of this preparing to move and everything, we are also still living a super full life! Since my last blog post we celebrated Emery's first birthday with a fun BBQ with friends, had a short but sweet visit from Uncle Eric, Eric and I went to a Carrie Underwood concert at the Moda Center (AMAZING!!!!!!!), celebrated Eric's birthday, spent a lot of time at parks and splash pads with friends and celebrated Katie's graduation and father's day! Here's some pictures of all this awesomeness that's been going down:
When Eric visited, Levi asked him to read him his goodnight book. It was soo cute!
Eric took Levi on the annual Father-Son campout and as usual they had a great time!
When Mom came to town the week before Emery's birthday she watched the kids while Eric and I went to the Carrie Underwood concert. It was Such. A. Great. Show. Seriously so good!!! She was opened by Runaway June and Maddie and Tae and they were all amazing. And Carrie is just such a great performer. I was in heaven loving every minute of it!
Family picture at Emery's birthday BBQ! Neither of our kids were really feeling like stopping playing and eating to take a picture but at least we got one!
My last day of work was all the equipment wrangling. This is only about a third of the equipment at one of my schools! I had to gather, clean and tag it all for summer. But I love that I am leaving everything hopefully well sequestered and safe and well-organized for the new PT coming in in the fall.
I sold my car!! It took less than a week and we got more for it than we had originally thought we would so that's a good thing. And it's definitely a relief that I don't have to worry about the clutch anymore!
They're replacing the siding on our apartment building which is incredibly noisy which makes naps nearly impossible for poor Emery. The other day they were banging on her walls loudly all day so she couldn't sleep and she was just sooo tired poort thing.
Eric's friend Derek comes over to play games sometimes and has notoriously stinky feet when he comes straight from work (he does sprinkler installation so he wears wet work boots all day). So as a joke I got him pineapple socks to wear at our house so he can take off his boots and stinky socks and bag them and wear the pineapple ones instead haha. Funniest part is that after I bought them we found out that he is actually allergic to pineapples!
I made Eric a DELICIOUS peanut butter oreo cheesecake for his birthday and it is delightful.
Fun Times at the Splash pads, park, and friend's houses for water playdates to beat the heat!
Those thighs! I can't even handle the cuteness.
Her first time at the splash pad and she LOVED it!
Levi shenanigans!!!
He loves to be a burrito boy all wrapped up in the yoga mat!
Emery Shenanigans!!!
Silly girl climbed into Levi's luggage and was just sitting there chilling haha.
When she was "helping" me with the laundry the other day she managed to get one of Eric's garment tops on and she was so proud of herself! Soo cute!