Sunday night before we left for Colorado when Emery was sick with what we now believe was Roseola. This was the start of the bad sleeping which has not abated yet.
Poor tired girl just wanted to snuggle her daddy.
Anyway, Emery's issues aside, I've been trying to help the kids (and me) have a smooth, fun transition to Texas. We've gone swimming a lot in Papi and Nona's pool, we've explored storytime both here in Denton and down in Frisco, we've played with cousins at Mike and Kristie's house and we got to meet up with Shalece and Lincoln and Cassidy at a splash pad and then again at the library in Frisco last week! Their family is here for a 10 week internship this summer and it is just so fun to get together with them again! Levi and Lincoln picked up their friendship again quickly and it is so cute!
Levi and Lincoln holding hands at the park
On the job and house-hunt front, after some negotiations, Eric accepted a job offer yesterday and he starts tomorrow! It's a part-time one-month trial before he can get hired on full-time. It's for a company called MedQ down in Plano. So he's in for a long commute for the next month! And it means I will be car-less three days a week which makes me want to get a minivan ASAP. But the exciting thing is that it pays well and once he gets hired on full time it has good benefits! Yay! And this means that we can start the process of getting pre-approved for a mortgage and then start house hunting which I am beyond excited for! With Eric working in Plano we probably will want to focus our search in southeast Little Elm, Frisco or the very west edge of McKinney. I've been looking at houses for forever and I have big plans for the house we don't even have yet!
As far as my job goes, I've gotten a little frustrated with my contract company because all I've heard from them is crickets. So I actually just applied for a job directly with Plano ISD yesterday. I don't even know if the position is really still open because it's been online for a long time but just in case I figured I would apply anyway. It would be super awesome to work in the same city as Eric will be working but we'll see what happens.
Anyway, this transition has been stressful for sure but I do like being out here on the ranch. It is very peaceful out here. I love the beauty of the fields in the morning, the big sky, the horses, the fact that I can open the door and let the kids out without worrying about them running into the street or any weird or creepy neighbors.
Big beautiful Texas sky after a thunderstorm
That thunderstorm had 70 mph winds that knocked down Mike and Kristie's basketball hoop!
Morning fog on the ranch making the trees look all ethereal
It's hot but honestly not as bad as I expected. And Papi and Nona are wonderful and very accommodating. We're still working to get a routine and to figure out meals (which ones we're sharing, who's cooking, etc). I'm trying to keep my family eating just our food because I want to be as small of a burden as possible but the kids like Papi and Nona's food and Nona loves to share with them. I am very grateful we have this place to be until we find a place of our own.
Levi being a little model. Like seriously? I can't even!
When Emery falls asleep in her carseat, her pigtails get a little wild!
Annual 4th of July fruit cookie!
Happy 4th!
Levi and Emery both LOVED their first experience with family dinner and playing with cousins. Emery was especially having a ball with Katie and Declan. Declan was just too cute with her! He was carrying her around all over the place and she was following him around it was just super tender and adorable.
The other night we went down to the Nebraska Furniture Store in Frisco to look around with Curtis and Megan and their kids. I had fun looking at flooring, tile and quartz options and Emery had a blast "running" all over the place and exploring. It was so cute!
And now for a whole bunch of cute pictures of my family enjoying life on the ranch!
Vroom vroom!
Levi and Emery love to go jump on Mike and Kristie's trampoline!
The pond overflowed due to a pump malfunction and Emery just sat down in the puddle in her jeans and started splashing around. Girl just loves water!
Love my boys!
Levi really likes to help water plants
Emery likes to play on the old playground- climbing the stairs, going through the tunnel, going down the slide and most especially playing on the old wooden wobble bridge which totally freaks me out because it's got a huge gap she could totally fall through! But I hold her hands and let her play on it anyway because I love seeing her explore!