Anyway, Levi wanted to help me with my blog post today. Here's what he wants to say:
Levi: "I love Mommy. Magic Rug."
me: "Anything else you want to say about what you've been doing lately or what you've been liking?"
Levi: ""A" box! And I want to say I wish I had a real phone." ("A" box is a school activity where he colors things that start with the letter "a").
me: "Anything else?"
Levi: "I wish I could be a magic house."
Me: "A magic house? What's a magic house?"
Levi: "This is a magic house! I wish I could be an adult to buy a magic house."
Me: "What would you put in your magic house?"
Levi: "Gold. Lots of magic gold."
Me: "Is that it?"
Levi: "I wish I could build a Mommy out of magna tiles."
Me: "What and replace me!?"
Levi: "Not replace you! Build you."
Me: "I'm already built. I'm already a person."
Levi: "No I'm wanting to build you out of magna tiles"
Me: "Like a statue of me?
Levi: "Yeah. This is a great wish. Can you wish something about Jesus Christ?"
Me: "You want me to wish something about Jesus Christ?"
Levi: "Yeah. And it has to be something about his magic powers."
Me: "Jesus doesn't have magic."
Levi: "At least powers. I wish I could have powers."
Me: "What would you want powers to do?"
Levi: "Rescue people."
Me: "From what?"
Levi: "Bad guys."
And now he's done helping me. But I love these little glimpses into his mind and the way he thinks about the world. I've been missing him lately what with me having to go down to Fort Worth for training so much. Even though I'm only working 20 hours a week, when you count in drive time it's more like 30. I appreciate the opportunity to get so much continuing ed and some of it is really helpful but it's just so much! I wish I could do some of it remotely. I asked about that when the education director asked for input. Anyway, I am very much looking forward to getting out in the field and actually working with kiddos and families. And working close by here and not so darn far away!
Anyway, the kids are still doing well at their new school. Levi came home with work samples for the first time this week. He really likes poking out shapes and coloring from the "a" box. He's also been working on the pink tower which I think is supposed to teach pre-geometry skills. Emery seems to be doing well. She naps well at school. Her language is still slow coming and her pediatrician referred her for an early intervention eval but I haven't heard anything from them which is weird because I know that at MHMR where I work referrals are supposed to be contacted within 3 days and it's been over a week for this one. But I suppose different companies follow different standards and I know that the state guideline is that the child has to be evaluated within 28 days of receiving the referral.
We also are continuing to work on the house. I worked on bathrooms this past week. Papi came over and helped us frame out the mirror in the master bath which looks awesome now!
After. I can't wait to replace those light fixtures and faucets as well!!
And he helped me switch out the light fixture and the mirror in the half bath. That was an adventure because the mirror was very adhered to the wall and so it was hard to remove and when we did it damaged the drywall a little. Also when we took the light fixture off we uncovered a rather large hole. So I learned from Papi how to patch the drywall and then I learned how to texture from YouTube and I retextured the wall for the first time ever! It didn't turn out perfectly but I think I did pretty good for it being my first time! We also switched out the towel rack. I haven't got a picture of the finished product yet because I just got the mirror for it last night so it's not up yet but once it is I will share a picture.
But yeah, aside from work and working on the house not much else is going on here lately. My mom is here visiting which is always nice. And we had a fun RS bookclub two weeks ago which I loved. I'm starting to know the ladies in the ward a little better but still wouldn't say I have any friends.
I can't believe that we leave for Thailand on Friday!!! I am super excited but also nervous about the trip- well mostly about logistics and how the kids are going to handle being away from us for so long! I know I will miss them lots. We've never been apart from them that long ever. I've never been away from Emery longer than about 48 hours. So I'm a little nervous about that. And there's still lots to do before our trip! I need to do laundry and pack for us and the kids and figure out food for the last couple days here, and get our key and instruction list to the girl taking care of our plants for us, and buy a new swimsuit because the cute cute ones I ordered online never showed up (grrr!) and get an adapter, and figure out parking at the airport and register for ziplining (yay!) and all the things.
Anyway, the weather has been a little bipolar lately- warm and nice and then freezing but I guess that's TX for you. We try to take advantage of the warm days and play at the park. Here's some cute pictures of the kiddos and our life lately:
Emery and Silva are just the cutest together!!
I love these cousins!
Eric recently surprised me with this cozy snuggie. Haha Levi looks a little like a Star Wars character in it!
Emery has recently figured out how to climb onto the counters!! It's kind of a problem. The other day I went to the bathroom and came out to find that she had helped herself to a banana.
It took me a while to figure out what she did with the peel until I looked in the cabinet and found it in this bowl haha.
Emery has also recently taken to hiding behind the little chair in her room when it's time for her to get ready for bed. She runs quick quick and hides herself. It's so funny.
I have the cutest boys!!
Fun times climbing at the park!
One of my favorite pictures of her ever!!
Love Levi's tongue out with concentration.
I had to capture this typical moment in time: the playroom a disaster, Levi dressed himself in with his soccer socks like leg warmers, and stickers on his face.
Eric and I did a painting class together the other night. This was my creation. I was much happier with it before we added the water ripples.