Well, it appears that 2021 has decided to come in like a lion. I pray it will go out like a lamb. Not only does COVID continue to relentlessly wreak havoc on the world, this past week saw what could legitimately be called an attempted coup, an assault on our democracy. Trump, as expected, has refused to admit he lost the election and has been so persistent in his calls to upend the results and keep himself in office that his more extremist supports actually stormed the capitol on Tuesday, disrupting the electoral college vote count, sending lawmakers cowering, vandalizing, waving Confederate and Nazi flags in our capitol building and just creating general mayhem. One capitol police officer was killed in the violence as was one of the rioters. Thankfully no other staff or elected representatives were harmed and most of the rioters were unarmed but the whole thing was a shock for sure. Scary and disheartening. I do not understand how the National Guard was not called out sooner and how the rioters were able to breach the Capitol. There was certainly some misconduct on the part of those who are supposed to keep our legislature safe and there have been many that have been quick to point out the evidence of racism in the response of the capitol police to these rioters compared to their response to BLM protestors. Unfortunately, I have to agree. If these rioters were primarily black, I do believe they would have been quashed and quelled and not have been allowed to run freely through the halls of the Congress. To say it is disappointing to see this injustice revealed is an understatement and yet I have a hard time putting into words everything I was feeling as I sat glued to my Newsfeed for several hours on Tuesday evening watching everything unfold. My mother and I, in attempting to process what was happening came to the same conclusion: There are no words. Memes have definitely cropped up expressing how many of us are feeling as this new year starts: "I've had my 7-day trial of 2021 and I have decided I would not like to continue my subscription. 0/5 stars. Would not recommend." Haha.
Although to be fair, in spite of everything going on in the world, my family is thankfully doing quite well. My parents, Papi, Nona and John (and us) have managed to stay COVID-free so far. I'm on a waitlist to get the COVID vaccine and just learned of another way I can sign up and hopefully get it before the end of January. My job is going fine and Eric and I are doing well financially. Levi and Emery continue to stay healthy and Emery is loving being a big girl and getting to be in the Flamingos class (potty-trained to 6-year-olds) at school. Levi is making great gains academically and getting closer to reading on his own and both kids are generally bright and happy. I have so much to be grateful for as this new year starts.
Anyway, I realized that my last blog post was actually before my parent's visit and Christmas! Goodness, I just didn't let myself really believe they were coming until they had actually arrived. I guess the pessimistic side of me was just sure something would come up that would prevent it. But it didn't and they got to come! Having my parents here really made the holiday special for all of us. It would not have been the same without them! I loved seeing my kids snuggle with their grandparents and have so much fun playing with them! We got to decorate gingerbread houses, go see Christmas lights, go to the Zoo and just generally spend time together. The kids are at such a magical age for Christmas and were sooo excited on Christmas morning. It was such a delight to see them enthusiastically diving into their stockings and showing just as much interest in ours as well! And in unwrapping presents. And I really loved making some new Christmas traditions with them. We did a good job doing the advent calendar this year (up until the very end) and on Christmas eve we lit a fire in our fireplace and added some candles to our hearth and then turned off the lights and gathered around and read the Christmas story and sang some Christmas hymns. It was so peaceful and beautiful. Just what we needed at the end of a trying year.