Monday, April 12, 2021


 Yesterday we went and took some iconic Texas bluebonnet pictures. It was bright but the field was beautiful and the weather was perfect! 

The only semi-decent smile while looking at the camera picture I got of this guy! This happened thanks to a game of peek-a-boo/hide and seek. He would crouch down behind the flowers and then pop up when I would say "where's Levi?" 


Daddy's tickles are just the best

One family picture thanks to a helpful stranger. Too bad neither of the kids is even kind of smiling. 

These two really are such good buddies. They play together all the time now and I just love their relationship. 

This is my Emery! Loud and expressive and enthusiastic. Her zest for life is everything.

And my silly Levi. I think I asked him for a "serious face" and this is what he did!  

This picture took lots of tries because she would smell the flowers so fast!