Sunday, September 12, 2021

Come On Baby!

 Well, I've made it to the home stretch! Only a couple more weeks before baby girl is here! I can barely believe it. I've spent pretty much the entirety of 2021 pregnant and I am so glad to see that coming to an end. This pregnancy has been so different from the ones with Levi and Emery. I don't know if it's just that I'm older now and much less active but I've had struggles I never had with either of them. Thankfully the nausea and vomiting have been much better this time (since like 5 months in) but other things have been hard- I've been getting a lot of pubic symphysis pain and hip pain- especially with rolling over in bed but also just moving in general, I've had ankle swelling and insomnia and it's just harder to move than it ever was with Levi or Emery. I guess that's what I get for not doing yoga this time! Also, my ferritin levels are ridiculously low again so they want me to do iron infusions, but the infusion clinic is being lame and having a hard time figuring out my insurance (even though I've given them the information twice now) and so I haven't been able to get scheduled! Which makes me nervous that I won't get it in time to help me before delivery! I'm going to have to call them again tomorrow to follow up (AGAIN). Yet another reason to hate the US's messed up health insurance- we just need to go to a single-payer system. 

Anyway, so physically I am so ready to be done being pregnant but we are not actually really ready for baby to come yet. Although we did a lot of work this week and we are much closer than we were. We finally set up the pack n play, I washed all the newborn clothes this past week along with the blankets, burp cloths, car seat cover, nursing covers, boppy covers, etc, I pulled out the changing pads and cleaned them, we set up the swing (which I then decided I hated and bought a new one off of Facebook marketplace), and I built some underbed storage for Emery's room! It's been a busy week for sure! Then yesterday, I had a bit of a flop of a drive-by baby shower. Only one person actually came by.... although a bunch of people texted me afterwards explaining why they couldn't make it and they have been dropping by gifts on their own over the last couple days. Guess we didn't pick a very good time. 

The drawers turned out exactly how I wanted them too! And I love that because I made them out of plywood left over from the Murphy bed and the hardware was still left over from when I did Emery's dresser before she was born, all I had to buy for this whole project was the caster wheels and a fresh sample size of the pink paint to match the dresser! Totaled like $20 for the whole thing! 

And while I've been busy doing all this stuff to prep for baby, Eric and Papi have been busy too finishing up the pergola and it is finally finished! I love it soooo much! I wish we had more time to enjoy it with friends before baby comes but at least it's built to last so we will be enjoying it for years to come. The other night I really loved just sitting out there watching the kids and Eric play on the trampoline together and enjoying the finally cooler evening and the beautiful sunset and listening to chill music on our tiki torches. It was the kind of night I hope stays in my memory- especially Levi and Emery's smiles and laughs.


Speaking of Levi and Emery, poor Levi's teacher came down with COVID (we think) and has been out for the past two weeks! Which means he has only had 4 days out of the past 6 weeks of school with his actual teacher!! I'm so grateful he is flexible but I just feel so bad that he hasn't gotten to actually experience kindergarten normally yet. They couldn't find a sub for his class many of the days so they just split his class up into small groups and distributed them among the other kindergarten classes! It is definitely not my fav. His teacher is supposed to be back this week and do kindergarten assessments and I feel like not only does she obviously not know Levi but the kid hasn't even had a chance to really learn in a normal setting yet! But again, Levi doesn't seem too bothered by the whole situation. Thank heaven! 

I can't believe that Emery only has 3 weeks left at her school before she will be home with me and baby girl for 3 months! That's going to be quite an adjustment for all of us. I am worried she's going to be pretty bored and I feel like I need to look up a bunch of home preschooling activities for her and come up with a schedule. But the other part of me feels like it is super unrealistic to think I would actually be doing any of that with her while also trying to take care of a newborn and you know, recover from birth and raging hormones. At least my Mom will be here for a while to help out! 

Also, both of the kids have started soccer and had their first games this past week! It is sooo cute to watch Emery run around in her soccer uniform. Unfortunately, she somehow ended up on a mixed-age team so she and another girl are a lot younger than their teammates (3 to their 4 or 5) and you can really tell. But Emery still seems to have fun and is working hard in practice so hopefully she gains skills anyway. Her coach is great so that helps!

And Levi has come a long way since he first started soccer and actually scored a goal yesterday during his game! His team is so fun because it has his friend Willy on it as well as Teddy who also used to be in our ward so we have friends to sit and chat with during games and practices. Levi's team also somehow is a bit mixed-age but thankfully Levi is one of the older ones and happens to be the tallest one on his team! 

So yeah, that's what's going on here! Just getting ready for baby and hoping my iron transfusions come through before she gets here :) 


I may not be able to prep a nursery since Emery's room is already so cute and decorated so instead I made some macrame to hang over the pack n play in our room. Pretty quick and easy project :)

The Saturday after we were done quarantining we went down to the Mesquite Rodeo! It was really fun! They had all the regular rodeo events and also mutton busting where little kids try to ride a sheep and junior bull riding which I didn't even know was a thing! It kind of really freaked me out to see such young kinds on bucking bulls but I guess that's how people learn to be rodeo cowboys! 

Levi had "Dress Up as a Book Character" day at school on Friday. We had not prepped at all but this is what he and Eric came up with Friday morning before school! I love that they thought of something using things we already had on hand! And he proudly told me at the end of school that he was the only chef in his class.

Last Sunday we had fun as a family doing one of the adventures from the Family Adventure Book that Katie and Kendall got us for Christmas. The kids especially had a blast trying to avoid the "lasers"