Well, this has been a VERY hot but very nice summer. And it has just flown by and I can't believe that school starts again this week! It has been so nice to take it easier this summer. Having a nanny was wonderful. We didn't have to get the kids up early or get them dressed or make any lunches. They could still be eating breakfast in their jammies at 8:15 when the nanny got to our house and it was fine. And I loved that they got to be together and spend time making memories together. Levi and Emery have gotten really close this summer, especially with them sharing a room right now. I kind of wish things could just stay like this and we didn't have to go back to all of our separate busy schedules.
I feel like our summer adventures can kind of be summed up into a few categories:
Date Night/day adventures:
The week of the 4th of July, Eric spoiled me with a day trip down to Waco to eat at Magnolia Table and see the Silos. It was such a nice little getaway. We don't get to spend that much time together one-on-one usually so it was really nice to escape our respective responsibilities and just relax, enjoy some yummy food and look at all the overpriced merch.
Although Magnolia Table had great vibes and decor, and the food was good, it honestly didn't hold a candle in deliciousness to this little hole-in-the-wall Lebanese place we found for dinner which was DELICIOUS and had the best falafel I've ever had. We were both wishing we could just bring that little restaurant with us back to McKinney.
Eric and I went to Star Wars night at FC Dallas which was a lot of fun! We played the LA Galaxy and won- woot woot! And then after the match there were fireworks and a really cool drone light show Star Wars themed. I'd never seen a drone show like that before and it was pretty impressive.
Family Fun:
Last weekend we took the kids to Limestone Quarry Creek. It was afternoon and HOT so we actually had the place to ourselves! It's a pretty bad drought this year so the water level was low but that was actually perfect for us because we didn't want Emery getting her ears in the water anyway and that way we could put Isla down to play too.
We had to watch this baby girl like a hawk though so that she didn't eat any of the creek rocks! She definitely licked a few before we could stop her though!
The "waterfall" is actually run off from a nearby water treatment plant and is pretty cold. I'm just hoping it's the treated rather than untreated water! Haha
Yesterday we went over to Carma and Travis's house and got to eat pizza with them and play games while the kids played with their cousins and watched a movie. I love it every time the kids get to spend time with their cousins. Here Levi and Hyrum are trying to see who is taller. I think Hyrum is slightly the winner.
Staying home shenanigans:
Isla has gotten so mischievous and is already into everything!
If the kids ever leave the gate at the bottom of the stairs open she hurriedly crawls over to it and scurries up the stairs as fast as she can while giggling to herself! I was in the laundry room the other day and I heard her giggling and sure enough, she was halfway up the stairs before I caught her!
She also likes to make big messes and pull things out of boxes and drawers.
Emery took this picture of me and Levi. Both Levi and Emery LOVE playing tickle-monster and wish that I could just play with them all day instead of doing boring things like laundry. I try to make time to play with them for at least a little while every day.
My lone project I finished this summer: an outdoor chalkboard for the kids! This one had been on my list for a long time and I'm proud of myself for getting it done. Eric helped me mount it on the fence and put on the roofing.
Speaking of projects, Levi got this puzzle from his cousins and he and Emery and I did it together in one afternoon. The kids were pretty proud of it and wouldn't let me put it away for days! Levi wanted a picture of it with Kyler even though he wasn't actually there when we did the puzzle haha. Levi has got to enjoy several play dates with Kyler this summer and we're crossing our fingers they're in the same class again this school year although that's pretty unlikely.
Oh hey Mom! No,I don't want any more nursing, I'll just eat my toes :P
Kids' Activities:
We did quite a few splash pads this summer, both me and the kids and the nanny and the kids. They all love them :)
I took the kids to a dinosaur activity at the Frisco library and they got to look at and touch real dinosaur fossils. Emery really liked the magnifying glass!
Levi's favorite part was putting together a dinosaur skeleton foam puzzle.
The kids also got to go to a primary activity at the church to watch the new Primary Broadcast.
Our nanny Emily took the kids to Hero's Day at the McKinney library which the kids also had a great time at.
Levi happened to be wearing neon green shorts that day so he totally blended into the green screen and he looks leg-less! Haha
Not pictured but still good times:
* Levi started piano lessons
*Emery started dance classes - and is obsessed with it!
* Levi did an art camp which he loved
* Bike riding for both kids when it was cool enough. Emery has gotten much braver on her bike with training wheels and Levi learned how ride a pedal bike with no training wheels at all in under an hour! And now does tricks on his bike too!