Christmas Recap:
Eric came down with the flu on the Sunday before we left for CA (on Tuesday!). Which meant that he immediately quarantined himself in his office and I had to do all of the prep for our trip by myself. Poor guy was still feeling pretty bad on Tuesday when we all got up around 4 am to travel and he stayed masked the whole day as we did the long trek- drive to the park-n-fly, shuttle to the airport, wait for our flight (which was delayed), board plane, wait on maintenance checks for half an hour, finally get in the air and fly to CA then not be able to land and have to circle for another little while because too many planes came into SFO at the same time, deboard, get luggage (thankfully nothing lost this time), take sky train to the rental car center, get rental car, install overpriced rental carseats (we didn't realize Levi would need on because he's under 8 and they charged us $100 each for Levi and Emery's boosters even though they are the super cheap ones that are like $40 from Walmart. Talk about making bank on something!), drive the 2 hour drive to my parents' house with a stop for Eric to puke and a stop for the rest of us to have lunch and then finally make it there. I mean, everything went smoothly for the most part but it still felt like a marathon. Once at my parents' house, Eric quarantined again in the queen bedroom until evening the next day when he was finally better and had been 24 hours fever free. And all the efforts we took paid off and thankfully none of the rest of us came down with his sickness and since then we have finally all stayed well! Being out of school and daycare definitely helps haha.
Being in CA with my family for Christmas was so nice. It had been a while since I was in Santa Rosa in the winter and I had forgotten how beautiful and almost mystical it feels there with the fog and the trees. It was rejuvenating for me to be in such a beautiful place where I feel so much connection. Eric and I went for a walk with just Isla and talked about how lucky we both were growing up that we got to roam so much nature- him out on the ranch and me out in the big field in the middle of hillsboro circle and then Annadel as I got older. I, of course, did not realize when I was young how incredibly privileged I was to have so much natural beauty around me so close and the freedom to explore it- to climb the trees, try to catch the frogs and salamanders, pick the flowers and make bark "stew." Eric and I both wondered aloud how much these experiences shaped us growing up. We want the same opportunities for our kids- but it's not that easy. Where we live our backyard- while we've worked hard to make the most of it- is still just a smallish fenced area of grass, a single young tree, a struggling crepe myrtle and a little strip of crazy wild salvia and lantana all of which go completely into hibernation into the winter so the kids' area to "explore" is basically a brown patch. I try to take them to parks regularly but while there are some great playgrounds- the only thing close to a hiking trail is out at Erwin Park a 20 min drive away which is just too far in our busy lives for regular visits. Even their school experience is so incredibly different than my own. We took the kids to play at Strawberry (my elementary school growing up) I just wish my kids could go to a school like that- with a huge field, bordered by a lush creek, multiple recesses a day and lunch eaten outside. But my poor Levi gets just a single half hour outdoor recess all day and it's in essentially a caged playground with astroturf on the ground- it's honestly very depressing. But at the same time, there is much good about this area we have chosen to raise our children for now. We love being close to Eric's family, I love my job, the kids have great schools (aside from the lack of outside time), we have a good ward with lots of kids to be friends with ours and we love the conveniences and experiences offered by the metroplex- tons of restaurants, pro soccer and hockey teams, great and close hospitals, an international airport relatively close and things to do with the kids like trampoline parks and gymnastics gyms. Not to mention the cost of living here versus where my parents live!
Anyway, I have digressed. Christmas break was great. It was so nice to be with all my family under one roof. I was especially so happy to get to meet my new niece baby Ava and hold and snuggle her. And to get to play games together as a family. I also got to meet up with Lauren Holmes for lunch one day and it was so good to get to catch up with her and chat. The kids also had a great time in CA. Isla LOVED grandpa and would often wander off to find him and snuggle and play with him. It was adorable. Here are some pictures from the trip:
Now that we're home from CA and settling back into our daily routines, Eric and I have been taking some time to plan out our year. I'm excited for all the adventures we have coming up from our anniversary trip to New Zealand, Martino family reunion this summer in Nagadoches, TX, Walker Hayes concert, and many fun dates and family activities. And meanwhile through all of this our kids keep growing and maturing right before our eyes!
Levi is slowly getting better at reading and gave a great talk in Primary today. He is back in Ninja class as of Monday and getting a little braver when it comes to heights!
Little Isla is growing up way too fast for me. She moved up a daycare class and now takes one nap a day which at daycare is on a little cot with her nap roll. I can't even handle that. She is starting to talk more and now sometimes says "no" "hi" "go" "up" and "dada" as well as "mamam" when she wants something. She also signs "more" "help" "please" and "all done." She struts around the house and school like she owns the place and has started to get a mischievous sense of humor. She still gives just the best hugs and kisses and her laugh is everything to me.
The other big part of my life lately has been my hair. My curly girl journey continues and I am really loving the results although it is definitely more high maintenance than my previous practically no maintenance hair. I just started using Vida Bars shampoo bars and I LOVE them. I honestly had low expectations from bar shampoo and couldn't imagine it lathering well but it seriously has such a nice lather and I love going plastic-free.