4th of July week we got to go to Eric's family reunion down in Nacogdoches, TX. We all stayed on this beautiful property in these rustic, not-to-code and not terribly clean lodges. Our family shared with Matt and Greta's family which worked out perfectly. It was a great week! Very chill with lots of time for us to just be together and for our kids to play together with their cousins. We had all the meals except breakfast catered and thankfully it was all delicious and very plentiful so that was a huge win. Highlights for me were getting to play wingspan with Carma and Travis, lots of talks and games with Matt and Greta, being able to let the two older kids roam freely and play with their cousins, and having downtime to read my book and not have to do any work or chores! We went to the waterpark one of the days which was hot but fun and one of the days we did a service project where we took pictures at one of the oldest cemeteries in TX. There were graves there of people born in the 1700s! That was pretty cool. And Eric got to have some good talking time all together with his siblings about everything going on with his parents and their family right now so I think that was very healthy and good for everyone!

Everyone was there except Ethan and McKenna! We've become quite the group!
Rachel refused to be in the cousin picture- she's got just about as much drama and sass as Emery!
Evan, Hinckley, Austin, Cami, Declan, Emery and Hyrum
I put a lot of effort into our outfits for our family pictures but between Levi's black eye from a bee sting, all of us being sunburned from the waterpark the day before and just the general poor composition and coloring, we're just going to have to try again some other time!
Emery and Rachel helping Auntie Carma make muddybuddies
One of the evenings several of us went to a local splash pad. The girls had a great time with their cousins!
Emery and Jonathan. Jonathan's haircut we learned is called the Kentucky Waterfall!
Emery and Declan
Our family and Blake and Shannon were in charge of breakfast on the 4th of July so we made pancakes with berries and whipped cream which were a hit thankfully! The only high chair they had in the mess hall was this old wooden one with no straps. It was a bit of a nightmare because my little monkey girl just loved to climb into it over the side and then jump off of the footrests! There was no containing her to eat. SMH.
Emery and Cami
One of the evenings the whole family played kickball. It was fun being a spectator!
People had also brought various lawn games including ladderball which was a big hit with the kiddos.
These sweet girls (and Silva) had so much fun dressing up together and parading all around the camp putting on dances for people! I love how much Emery and Rachel look alike.
There was lots of time for games thankfully so we did Unstabled Unicorns, Wingspan, King Domino Codenames and Cover Your Assets. I appreciated having space to play in the cabin we were staying in so that us adults could play during nap time or after the kids were in bed.
There was a porch swing in front of our cabin that was so nice to sit and read in.
Ben, Isla, Emery and Rachel
Declan loves babies and my girls love him!
Carma and Travis had brought their arcade table and that was a huge hit with all the boys. Here Anson, Hyrum, Levi, and Hinckley are watching Evan play.
Isla loved spending time with and playing with Auntie Shannon who took her a few times so I could get some alone time.
Declan seriously carried Isla around all the time and she learned his name and just loves him now!
It's crazy because even though we got home just a week ago, it feels like the family reunion was forever ago! And I just can't believe that July is already halfway over and we only have a few more weeks of summer left!
This past week I expected to totally be drowning in work trying to catch up on everything after my days off, but it actually wasn't too bad. Also, Emery started up with dance classes again this week and on Friday I took the kids down to the Perot Museum which was a lot of fun! If it were closer I would definitely take them there more often. The kids had a great time and I thought the exhibits, especially the gemstones one, were really cool.
Levi got to go swimming with his friend Robin this week.
Isla LOVES to "help" in the kitchen.
I came home from work one of the evenings this week and found that the kids and Miss Sally had formed a little band!
Silly messy girl!
Giant geode at the Perot Museum
In the technology exhibit at the Perot the kids could design their own avatars and then make them move and dance.
Isla's favorite part of the whole museum was this bridge in the children's area. She went up and down it at least 20 times in a row!
Then last night, Eric and I went out which was nice to get some one-on-one time together. We were planning on seeing a movie but it ended up being sold out so we just went and got DELICIOUS Thai food instead. I'm really happy we found a Thai place that we like so much.
I'm excited for this coming weekend because I get to go to CA to visit my family and Oma with Isla. Hopefully traveling with her by myself goes smoothly and she doesn't get up too early!