Saturday, May 21, 2016

Book of Salvation

So Eric was cracking me up last night. At 2:30 AM Levi woke up to eat. After feeding him, I wanted Eric to take him so I could use the restroom. Here's our exchange:

Me: Eric, can you wake up honey?
Eric: A-bit-a-bit (really fast like it's all one word)
Me: What?
Eric: A whittle bit (again really fast)
Me: Honey that doesn't make sense.
Eric: I know but that's what the book says.
Me: What book?
Eric: The book of salvation.
Me: (laughing) What?
Eric: On the side of the other book.
Me: What other book?
Eric: ...
Me: I need you to wake up honey and take the baby and put him back to bed.
Eric sits up on the edge of the bed for a moment. I repeat my request. I ask him if he understands. He says he does. He then takes the baby and walks into the kitchen. He walks in a circle in the kitchen then comes back and lays the baby down next to me again! Haha. Sometimes, it is much easier to just do things myself at night, but then I would miss out on all these hilarious experiences! 

On an unrelated note, look how big little man is getting! He is rocking tummy time now and sometimes will even smile while he's at it! A definite improvement over the screaming that used to commence within seconds of being placed on his tummy!

Seriously how cute is this face?!

My sweet smilely boy!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

May Days

A little snapshot of our life of late in pictures:

So intent on his toys! Levi has started reaching for things and sometimes will manage to hook a finger or two on a toy to shake it around which makes him pretty excited. 

Most of you probably know that this Mother's Day was not my best and brightest. Horrible stomach flu and dehydration landed me in urgent care with an IV for fluid replacement. No fun! Thankfully my flu symptoms only lasted a couple of days although it kind of felt like an eternity at the time. 

Oh hey handsome! Mornings are this little guy's favorite time of day! I can always count on some great smiles after breakfast #3 :)

Burrito baby! Levi still won't sleep unless swaddled tightly. I'm seriously considering getting some zipadee zips for when this little one starts rolling because I think the transition out of the swaddle will not be an easy one! 


I love that I get to spend my days with this little man who is showing more an more personality! I love hearing him explore his voice and make more and more different sounds. So fun!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Cinco de Mayo

So I love Cinco de Mayo! I have a party pretty much every year because it's a great excuse to eat Mexican food, pretend to know how to dance bachata and pretty much just hang out with awesome people. Well I have to say the fiesta this year did not disappoint! We had a bunch of friends over, and the food turned out so amazing I thought I just had to share the recipes with anyone who wanted to try them. Each one is seriously delicious. I was so happy that Levi let me cook and bake by taking two long naps during the day! Yay! PS. He loved being able to hang out in his swing and watch all the action when we had people over. Kept him entertained for quite a while. :)

So yeah. Here were the culinary delights of the night!

These fantastic carnitas. I was a little wary of them at first, having never bought pork shoulder before and not really sure about the idea of using a crockpot to cook them but they turned out sooo good! I am definitely excited for the leftovers I now have in my fridge!

This Mexican rice. Again, I was going out on a limb a little with this one. It involved using my really pathetic blender as a food processor so I wasn't sure how it would go but it actually worked perfectly fine! Yay crappy blender for the win! Haha. Also I definitely just used regular rice from our 25 pound Costco bag meaning I used a little more water than the recipe calls for. Also I used frozen peas and carrots because why would I chop up carrots into tiny little pieces when I can just open a bag and pour? Haha.

These mini 7 layer dip cups. Ok so I may have accidentally bought tall cups instead of cute short ones so these didn't turn out quite as planned. Whoops! But thankfully we had long chips so it was all good.

These churro cupcakes! Seriously amazing. Only we don't have frozen churros in the grocery stores around here so instead of topping them with churros as the recipe calls for I made churro chex mix the night before and used that to top them instead. Soo good!

Here's the chex mix link:
So really the churro mix recipe was just an inspiration for the churro chex mix because my store also doesn't have cinnamon chips. So I looked online as to how to make your own cinnamon chips and kind of followed one of those recipes with modifications.

Here's what I did:
1) Melt 1 stick of butter in saucepan with 1/3 cup of sugar, 2 tsp cinnamon, 1 tsp vanilla and 1 tbsp of corn syrup.
2) Pour over 8 cups of rice chex.
3) Mix 1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar with 2 tbsp of cinnamon and pour onto chex. Shake it all up.
4) Pour 1/2 c granulated sugar onto chex. Shake it all up again.

For beverages, we had jarritos and a friend of mine brought horchata. With the super yummy food and drinks, and the excellent company it was a wonderful night!

Monday, May 2, 2016

Good news

Yesterday I took my last antibiotics! Yay! I am feeling a ton better and excited for all of these health issues to be wrapping up. Now I get to start re-introducing foods to my diet (ex: dairy). If all goes well, hopefully soon Eric and I will finally be able to go out to dinner for my birthday!

 Also, when I went to my OBGYN last time the midwife didn't even have to remove any stitches because they had FINALLY fallen out/dissolved on their own. And the part that was being stubborn and not healing had finally closed on it's own so no silver nitrate was necessary.  Hallelujah! 

In other news, Eric has returned to work full-time which means he is definitely feeling the effects of night-time sleep deprivation even more than I am. This exchange from two nights ago cracks me up:

I come into our room after putting Levi down for the night and find Eric passed out on the bed. I shake his shoulder to wake him.
me: Hey honey are you ready for bed?
Eric: I am if you choose me.
me: ... No, honey, did you already get ready for bed?
Eric: I am if you choose me.
me: That doesn't make any sense.
Eric: yeah it does.
me: .... ok. 

Also, Levi has been smiling more and more every day! He is showing so much personality and I absolutely love interacting with him! He makes my day and I can't believe he is almost two months old now! :)

So I started putting mittens on little man while he's nursing to keep him from pinching and scratching me. He just gets very enthusiastic about his food. Can't believe I didn't think to do this earlier!

So cute I can't even handle it!

He's looking so grown up already!