Monday, May 2, 2016

Good news

Yesterday I took my last antibiotics! Yay! I am feeling a ton better and excited for all of these health issues to be wrapping up. Now I get to start re-introducing foods to my diet (ex: dairy). If all goes well, hopefully soon Eric and I will finally be able to go out to dinner for my birthday!

 Also, when I went to my OBGYN last time the midwife didn't even have to remove any stitches because they had FINALLY fallen out/dissolved on their own. And the part that was being stubborn and not healing had finally closed on it's own so no silver nitrate was necessary.  Hallelujah! 

In other news, Eric has returned to work full-time which means he is definitely feeling the effects of night-time sleep deprivation even more than I am. This exchange from two nights ago cracks me up:

I come into our room after putting Levi down for the night and find Eric passed out on the bed. I shake his shoulder to wake him.
me: Hey honey are you ready for bed?
Eric: I am if you choose me.
me: ... No, honey, did you already get ready for bed?
Eric: I am if you choose me.
me: That doesn't make any sense.
Eric: yeah it does.
me: .... ok. 

Also, Levi has been smiling more and more every day! He is showing so much personality and I absolutely love interacting with him! He makes my day and I can't believe he is almost two months old now! :)

So I started putting mittens on little man while he's nursing to keep him from pinching and scratching me. He just gets very enthusiastic about his food. Can't believe I didn't think to do this earlier!

So cute I can't even handle it!

He's looking so grown up already!

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