Tuesday, April 26, 2016

So That Just Happened

There have been several moments over the past few weeks that have made me make this face:

Say What?!

For example:

That time during my second post-partum visit when the provider tells me: 
"So basically you have a crater in the side of your vagina so that will take some time to, you know, fill in." 
Yes, I had a CRATER folks. Not the most reassuring thing to hear.

That time when our washing machine broke and I stepped out into the hallway and found it COMPLETELY flooded. Then two days later after we had had our carpet all ripped up and big fans running 24 hours/day and the maintenance guy had supposedly fixed our washer, and it happened again! (On the plus side we now have a shiny new washer!)

This delightful experience at the DMV:
So I decided to finally get an Oregon Driver's license, you know, I've only lived here a year now right? But primaries are coming up and I figure I should get a license and register to vote. So I bundle Levi up and head to the DMV. I walk in and get my number. 27 people ahead of me in line. I'm not surprised. I take a seat and say a silent prayer that baby will stay asleep while we wait for however long this takes. 40 minutes later I notice that the number being helped has skipped from 353 to 358. I'm number 354. Of course. So I go up to the counter and explain I've been skipped. After a little more waiting, I get called up.
DMV lady: "How can I help you?"
me: "Yes, I need a driver's license."
DMV lady: "From where?"
me: "Well I'm from Utah.." (not really sure what she means by this question)
DMV lady: "Oh that means you have to take a test"
me: "Yeah I know" (hello that's why I'm here)
DMV lady: "Well our computers are broken and we aren't sure when they will be fixed and we stop taking testers at 4." (it's 3:40)
me: "Well I've been here since 3."
DMV lady: "Well we don't know when the computers will be working. You'll have to come back tomorrow."
me: "....." (staring at her in disbelief)
me: "don't you think you should maybe make an announcement about that so that anyone else who's waiting to take a test can, you know, leave?"
DMV lady: "Oh yeah! Ok."
They make the announcement as I'm walking out the door. Seriously?

The many times over the past few weeks when I have come to the realization that although my husband may seem awake, he is in reality, quite asleep still. For example:

me: "Hey babe will you change Levi's diaper while I go to the bathroom before I feed him on the other side?"
Eric: Does not change diaper. Instead swaddles baby and attempts (unsuccessfully because baby is still quite hungry) to put him back to bed.

me: (while nursing) "Hey Eric, will you go get me my water bottle please?"
Eric: Leaves bedroom. 
Many minutes pass and he does not come back. Eventually I finish feeding Levi and go looking for Eric. He's asleep on the couch.

me: (while nursing) "Hey hon, will you go grab his swaddle blanket?"
Eric: Leaves bedroom.
Many minutes pass. Eventually he reappears in the doorway empty handed and looking confused.
me: "Honey did you forget what you were looking for?"
Eric: "I think so."

Folks this is my real life. It never ceases to surprise me. And I'm sure it will just get more interesting from here!

In other news, here are some more pictures of cute baby Levi from the past couple weeks:

Love my sweet baby smiles!

Just chilling

He wishes he could talk already

Got out of the shower one morning to find my boys like this. Life as a new baby and as a new dad is exhausting!

Ready for our walk one chilly morning

Love the activity mat/ball pit for Uncle Eric and Aunt Katie!! (Although Levi is still more interested in looking at people than toys)

Levi loves second breakfast!

He thinks Daddy is pretty cool. :)


  1. Your stories about Eric crack me up! Because I have some about Zachary just like this. ha ha. And seriously, a crater? holy moly. You poor soul.

  2. Just read all of the posts and man, you are impressive! I'm so sorry it's been tough though--I hope things continue to improve! And what a cute boy!!! Love all the pics and details!

    P.S. I love the one caption that accidentally says "Love the activiy mat/ ball for Uncle Eric and Aunt Katie" instead of "from Eric and Katie" haha. Makes it sound like Eric and Katie are the ones using it which is pretty hysterical to imagine. :)
