Thursday, April 21, 2016

Flying Solo

Today was my first full day home alone with Levi. Up until now I have been ridiculously spoiled because Eric has been doing contract work so he has been able to work from home and be with me most of the day. Not going to lie, I was a little bit nervous about taking care of Levi by myself all day. But I am super happy because not only did both baby and I survive, but we also managed to go for a walk with a friend, clean the master bathroom, do a load of laundry, menu plan for the week and go to Costco! Oh and give sweet Levi a bath.

Little man was all smiles after his bath :)

Tomorrow's the big day that I get the rest of my stitches out. They were supposed to dissolve on their own, but for some reason they never did. The midwife that I saw at my last appointment said that they are starting to irritate the tissue and keep it from healing all the way so they need to take them out. She tried to get them last appointment, but I was a big baby and wouldn't let her get them all because it was too painful (probably partially due to the raging yeast infection I had going on at the time). So tomorrow we try again. I am trying not to be too scared of the idea but I am making Eric come with me for support anyway. Tomorrow is also the day we start trying silver nitrate on the part of my tear that never healed to see if we can get it to heal up. Fingers crossed!

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