Thursday, July 14, 2016

When life gives you lemons...

So my neighbor's mom, who is an older lady, is in the hospital with a UTI that has now turned septic  :( I've been thinking about my sweet neighbor all day because I talked to her this morning and learned about how her mom is sick, and then a little later in the morning I saw the paramedics come to her house and take her mom away in the ambulance. So I've been worrying about how my neighbor and her mom are doing and I decided to make my neighbor some cupcakes. Now normally I don't like lemon flavored things at all, but when I thought about making cupcakes for my neighbor I suddenly really felt like making lemon blueberry cupcakes. So I pinterested a recipe and made them. Then when my neighbor got home from the hospital this evening I took them over. And as soon as I told her that they were lemon blueberry she got this smile on her face and told me, "You know, lemon is my favorite!" I had no idea that she loved lemon. I barely even know her. But Heavenly Father knows her. And He knows that lemon is her favorite. And I feel like He definitely inspired me to make these lemon blueberry cupcakes just for her so she would feel loved at this difficult time for her and her family. Because I would never normally have chosen that flavor. But I did today because that's what she needed. It was a great reminder to me that God really does know us and love us individually.

PS. These cupcakes really are delicious! For anyone who wants the recipe, here you go:

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