Ladies and gentlemen it was an exciting July! We had so much going on and we got to have so many great experiences! Here's a little recap of what went down, mostly in pictures :)
Dad makes the best junglegym. Levi loves to stand, sit, and roll around on Eric's chest. I don't see this changing any time in the near future :)
Little man loved going on swings for the first time!
We have a little reader. Levi LOVES to look at books, try to turn the pages and of course, attempt to put them in his mouth.
Two weekends ago, my good friend Holly came to visit us from Utah. It was so fun to have her stay with us! Eric was working most of the time, but Holly and I went to Powell's and Salt N Straw, went for a walk in the nature reserve near our house, went swimming and got to go peach picking! It was the perfect blend of relaxing and finding fun things to do.
It was a beautiful day for peach picking: clear skies and not too hot.
Also we were all unintentionally matching in our BYU shirts and the girl who sold us the peaches happened to be wearing an EFY shirt. We had a Mormon bonding moment haha.
I maybe went a little overboard on how many peaches we picked so then when I got home, I was like, "What on earth am I going to do with all of these delicious peaches?!" Well I ended up making some baby food for Levi and freezing it, making peach icecream and making some super delicious peach cupcakes (shout out to Eric who make the frosting for the cupcakes while I put Levi to bed that night). If you want to try out the cupcakes, here's the recipe:
Last weekend, Eric and I got to go to a Piano Guys concert at the Portland Zoo! It was my birthday gift for Eric so we had been waiting for it for a while and I have to say it did not disappoint. They were so fun to see live and it was just a great atmosphere. It was lawn seating which was totally fine except for the first little while we were there when it was like a million degrees and the sun was just beating down on us and trying it's best to turn me into a tomato. It succeeded a little bit I have to say, but oh well. Also, we had parked in overflow parking and they were using schoolbuses to shuttle people to and from the zoo to the overflow parking. Well after the concert of course it was a madhouse trying to get out of the zoo and out of the parking lot. It took longer for the bus to get us back to our car than it did for us to drive home to Tualatin! And the driver let more people on the bus than there were seats, so it was super packed. Super packed + no air conditioning + tons of traffic, let's just say it was a fragrant and sweaty experience! Haha
Our little man is getting so good at standing!
He also is rocking at sitting up! And he is always so proud of himself when he does!
Yesterday Levi sat without any support and without even his hands down for 19 seconds! I was blown away! I can't believe how fast he is growing up!!
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