I cannot believe that my little baby is 6 months old already!! I feel like this past half year has just flown by. Every time I look at Levi he seems so much older. He has figured out how to get out of sitting on his own now and is trying to figure out army crawling although so far he just pushes himself backwards with his arms which is quite frustrating to him. He is also really into spitting (Which I don't love so if anyone has any tips on how to discourage that let me know!) and babbles a lot now. He has also gradually gotten better at sleeping at night and now frequently will wake up only once! It's awesome and I just hope it keeps getting better from here!
Sometimes I let him play with the mashed up food so that he can get used to having his fingers taste like food. We will introduce finger foods pretty soon here and I think he's going to love feeding himself.
I also let him chew on the spoon when he's done. He is pretty good at getting it into his mouth the right way.
We had the sister missionaries over for dinner the other day and one of them fed him. He had so much fun with that! He's a little flirt. :)
My mom came to visit at the beginning of this month (can't believe it's already September!! Where did summer go?!). We had so much fun with her! She adores Levi and spoils him like crazy and he just absolutely loves her. We enjoyed hanging out at the park together and of course, eating yummy food.
Levi isn't so sure what he thinks of swings. He is a little afraid of them and shakes his arms and makes concerned noises if we go too high. But with grandma holding him and swinging gently he decided it was ok.
Levi had fun watching us throw around a frisbee. Can't help but feeling like he looks slightly like an adorable bulldog haha.
It was hard to believe that this water was part of the ocean since we could see the mainland not far away but it did have a distinct, salty odor.
The beach was covered with these huge, beautiful white shells.
View from the ferry
Those are the exciting things that have been happening around here lately. Other than that our time has mostly been taken up with job hunting and just trying to enjoy every minute with out little man. I have interviewed at a couple of places and got offered a job by a school district, but they wanted to place me all the way out in Astoria and that just wouldn't work for our family so I turned them down and am still on the hunt. There are a few possibilities that both Eric and I are looking into so hopefully within the next few weeks we will both have found something that works for us.
Anyway, here are some more random pictures, mostly of our cute little Levi! I can't believe how quickly he is growing up!
He is very cuddly and loves to be held and snuggled. :)
Father-son selfies! I love how Levi's foot is way up there like it's no big deal that he can just bend in half haha.
Looking so dapper and ready for church!
Chillin' like a villain in the stroller.
In other news, I FINALLY finished re-doing those chairs that I rescued. I LOVE how they turned out even though it was a lot of work. Now I just need to find someone to buy them because let's be honest, white chairs in the kitchen of a house with kids is just a recipe for disaster haha.
Haha, the foot bent in half is my favorite!