So I started back at work last week and I've already got some good stories to tell! I'm working in an interesting setting: a skilled nursing facility that unfortunately is one of those places people end up in when nobody knows what else to do with them. I have a lot of patients who were homeless prior to their hospitalization so many of my patients have a... complicated history. Years of mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse and traumatic brain injuries lead to a distinct lack of filters and honestly just some really interesting conversations. It's fun, you never know what they are going to say! Here's a couple gems from the week:
While checking a patient's heart rate and oxygen saturation:
Patient: "Well, you know, my heart always beats faster around you!"
Me: "....... ok."
One of my Spanish speaking patients had a broken nail and so he asked me to cut it with some scissors. I told him no, but that I would let the nurse know about it so she could help him. Unfortunately my Spanish is out of practice and for some reason the word that came out of my mouth for "nurse" was actually the word for "priest!" So in essence I told my patient that I would let the priest know about his broken nail! And the worst part was that I didn't even realize my error until the next day! No wonder the patient looked so confused! Face palm.
Anyway, getting back to work has been good. Challenging but good. It's stressful being in a new facility and trying to meet the productivity standards and learn the new documentation system and learn where everything is, and who everyone is and just how the system works there. But I think once I get more settled it will turn out to be a good place for me and the commute is easy and the hours are just right.
We are still nanny hunting so Eric has been taking care of Levi on the days that I work. This means I get some really awesome father-son pics sent to my phone occasionally throughout the day. Like this one:
With the caption: "I didn't choose the thug life, the thug life chose me" Hahahahaha
When I'm not at work, I am trying to make the most of my time with Levi. Today, we went to the zoo with some of my girl friends and their kiddos. It is so much fun because there are two girls in my ward with babies almost exactly the same age as Levi. It is just so fun to watch the babies interact and see how they are similar and different. And us ladies get along great too so that's just the best. I am really grateful they moved into the ward so we could be friends.
Levi maybe had more fun watching the people than the animals but that's fine with me since it means I got lots of these cute smiles!
The whole group together. The babies were pretty done by this point and ready to go home for naps!
Also, Eric and I took Levi to Portland's Apple Festival on Saturday and that was a lot of fun! We tried a bazillion different types of apples, learned some random facts about apples (apparently in ancient Greece if a man tossed an apple to a lady it was considered a proposal of marriage and if she caught it it meant she accepted! True? We may never know haha!), and got to meet some cool, very Portland-y vendors selling things like cold-pressed, unpasteurized juices. Also I got to take this very awesome picture:
Cutest farmer and rooster ever!
I can hardly wait till Levi is old enough to do all of the other fun kids activities they have at places like the apple festival: painting pumpkins, playing with hula hoops, jumping off of hay bales, etc. I know it will come so fast though and I am treasuring this time that my sweet baby is still so little.
A preview of Levi's Halloween costume! Cutest yoda ever!!!
He has gotten pretty speedy at his army crawling. He loves to go all over the house, tug on any cords he can reach, make "music" by banging on the vents, and coming up to me or Eric and sucking on/blowing raspberries on our feet!
Levi and I love to go to the park together and hang out: sunny day, fall leaves, a good book and my sweet baby make for a perfect afternoon.
I'm pretty sure he is just the cutest thing that has ever happened. Love my little man!