Tuesday, October 25, 2016

May the Force be with you

So my mom recently came up for another visit last week. We are so lucky that she lives (relatively) close and is free to come see us so often! Levi adores her and gets so excited when he sees her. I love that they are developing a close relationship.

Unfortunately, the day that my mom came up, Levi came down with croup. We actually ended up having to take him to the hospital on Wednesday night because he was having a hard time breathing. Thankfully his oxygen saturation was still pretty good so they were able to just give him some oral steroids and send him back home with us. It was a long night, but by morning, the steroids and Tylenol were helping and over the next few days he got slowly better. He still has a bit of a runny nose and cough but not the scary croupy cough anymore.

While my mom was here she volunteered to watch Levi so Eric and I could go out and celebrate my new job! We went to Ruth's Chris and it was absolutely fabulous. Of course the food was amazing: good steak, lobster mac n cheese, harvest salad and cheesecake: can you say yum?! And I just love eating at nice restaurants where the servers always refill your water as soon as it starts to get a little low and yet they don't bother you with always popping over and asking questions. They let you take your time and I just love that leisurely pace of eating, especially since our mealtimes now include a go-go-go little man who LOVES food but wants you to give it to him NOW and can't quite handle a spoon on his own yet. We've started finger foods with him, but he's still getting most of his solids in puree form which means one of us has to feed him. Which is fine, but doesn't exactly make for a relaxing dinner environment! So going out and spoiling ourselves was wonderful.

On Saturday was our ward Halloween party! Our family dressed up as Star Wars characters, inspired by the amazing Holly's perfect gift of little Yoda ears for Levi. I was Rey from The Force Awakens and Eric was Luke from the Degoba scenes carrying the cutest little Yoda ever on his back. Our ward was very enthusiastic and I was super impressed at the percentage of people dressed up! Almost everyone including the adults was in costume! So fun!

He was so happy to be Yoda!

Mom found a cape at Goodwill that she loved and had to get to be a magician. Levi thought her hat was pretty cool too. 

I painted my bedside table (finally- we've only had it unfinished for almost four years!) so you can see Levi playing with the drawer of it here in this picture. 

In other news, I'm kind of getting used to working. Things are still pretty stressful as I am trying to learn the ropes of the facility still, in particular how to work well with the CNAs. We've had some communication issues, disagreements about how certain patients should be transferred and I've been stuck doing some things that shouldn't be part of my job which is frustrating. You wouldn't believe how long it takes to track down a commode that actually has a back or a wheelchair AND leg rests that match it AND a cushion that will fit it when they are all stored in different areas of the facility and none of it is organized! Drives me a little crazy and I haven't even worked a full three weeks yet! But we just got a new Director of Rehab so hopefully she can work with the nursing home staff to get some of these issues taken care of. And I'm sure things will go more smoothly as I learn better where everything is and who to ask about what issues. I feel like it will all work out eventually but the growing pains are uncomfortable! 

Levi regularly crawls under our kitchen chairs and then gets stuck which is very frustrating to him. I have to say, this is how I feel sometimes at the end of a particularly difficult day at work! 

Some good news about work though is that I am finding it easier to meet my productivity standards as I figure things out. And I did have a patient get discharged yesterday who came to the gym before he left to especially thank me and the OT for helping him. That is always so nice, and makes me feel like I'm doing my job right. Also, Eric and I hired a nanny! Yay! so now we don't have to search any more and I feel like she will be a really good fit for our family. So life is good and I am just so grateful for my sweet little family and all the blessings that we have been given.

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