Levi with the bells and the fish :)
Anyway, Eric and Katie were here Monday through Friday but unfortunately I work on Wednesdays and then on Thursday Eric and Katie both came down with that awful stomach bug that Eric and Levi and I had had! I felt so bad to have infected them! So they spent their last day with us feeling awful and gross and we didn't do much of anything :(. Thankfully this bug doesn't last too long and they were well enough to drive home still on Friday though!
Then last Wednesday, my parents came up for a visit! Levi loves having his grandparents here! He recognized them from facetiming so much and was immediately comfortable with grandma :) Unfortunately, last Wednesday was also the day of another huge snowstorm! It started snowing Tuesday night and didn't stop until about midday on Wednesday. We must have gotten about 6 inches of snow which for here is a ton! I woke up Wednesday, looked outside and immediately texted my boss that I wouldn't be able to make it in because of course the roads were a disaster! What with having no snow plows, lots of hills and freezing temperatures, there's just no driving here when there's snow! I actually still haven't driven my car since last Tuesday! haha. Thankfully my parents were able to rent a 4 wheel drive car when they got here so they've done ok getting around- although it did take them extra long to get here to Tualatin from the airport. And my Dad was able to give me a ride to and from work on Friday which was so nice of him. I'm a little nervous to brave the roads in my car again tomorrow but by now, all the major roads and freeways are fine so the only really tricky spot left is getting down the hill of our apartment complex.
Anyway, the snow has been beautiful and it was nice to get to stay home last Wednesday and just cuddle Levi (who actually was sick that day with a random fever so really needed the extra snuggles anyway).
Love my little man snuggles
Early this morning my dad woke up sick! I can't believe how contagious this thing is! We are thinking he maybe got it from the place they are staying since it's the same place Eric and Katie stayed while they were up here and they were both sick. But anyway, that's been sad because we haven't gotten to see him at all today. But my mom is so far still good so we went to church together and then got to spend the rest of the day with her. I wish my parents lived closer so we could have more days like today.
Another piece of news is that I started my new calling. As the personal progress advisor for YW, I get to go to YW opening exercises now which is fun, and I am making a tracking thing for the YW to keep track of how far along each girl is in personal progress. Sticker charts are boring and lame so instead I am making a cool little thing with hanging beads. It's hard to describe but I am kind of excited about it. When it's done, I will take a picture so that y'all can see what I mean. As the pp adivsor I also go to board meetings which means that's what I spent almost 3 hours doing last Friday night! Yikes! It was our big meeting though to plan the quarter as well as big items for the year like New Beginnings so I'm sure other meetings won't be quite so lengthy!
So yeah, 2017 is off to kind of a crazy start with all this snow and sickness but it's also been great to spend so much time with family! And Levi is just learning more and more every day! Since the start of the year he has learned to wave hello, blow kisses, drink from a straw sippy cup and put his blocks into his farm toy! He is amazing and the light of my life. Love him so much!
Levi is really into giving his reflections kisses lately hahaha
Or just flat out licking it! Glad he didn't do this to the airport window!
Dad and Levi before my dad fell victim to the awful stomach bug!
My boys looked so dapper today I couldn't even handle it! Sooo good!
Little man makes the funniest facial expressions, and I am in love with his how long his hair is now!