Sunday, January 8, 2017

2016 Wrap Up

I've been meaning to write this blog post for a week now but you know... life happens. We were in Texas for Christmas which was awesome, especially to see all of Eric's family and spend time with them. But unfortunately, a stomach bug had been going around and first Levi came down with it, then Eric and then Friday night I started puking. Unlike my sweet husband and son, who were both mildly ill and threw up a few times, my body went all in. As in, I threw up every hour for 12 hours straight. We were supposed to fly home on Saturday but obviously that wasn't happening. Eric actually had to take me to an urgent care clinic because I couldn't stop puking (story of my life). I ended up with an IV (4th one of the year! Thankfully this one only took 3 tries to get started!) for fluids. After two bags of fluids and some of my favorite drug Zofran I felt much better. Weak but no longer like I was dying haha. So I spent the last day of 2016 sleeping most of the day while Eric and his wonderful parents took care of Levi. I literally only got up to nurse Levi and eat a couple crackers and some chicken noodle soup. Thankfully this bug was mostly a 24 hour thing and by the time I woke up Sunday morning, I was well enough for us to travel home. But what with getting all packed up and then traveling- I didn't do a whole lot of New Years reflecting.  And thus my first post of the year comes on the second Sunday, rather than the first.

Anyway, I've heard a lot of people talking about how bad of a year 2016 was and I would have to agree that yes, it was pretty rough. But for our family it was also wonderful and amazing! 2016 was probably the most monumental and life-changing year of my life to date. I became a mother and a physical therapist all in one year! Our little family experienced A LOT of growing, stretching, firsts and trials, from simple things to soul shaking ones. First time painting a room, first time welcoming a baby (and the billions of firsts that come with being first-time parents!), first time facing a difficult medical challenge and being hospitalized for an illness, first job as a physical therapist, first time hiring a nanny, first time traveling with a baby... the list goes on and on. Looking back on this year, I can see how I've been challenged and I am acutely aware of weakness in myself that have been brought to light. I struggled in 2016. I struggled to keep faith as my husband searched and searched and searched for a job without results. I struggle(d) to be patient with my sweet son as he was (is) a perpetually bad sleeper. I struggled with fear that the C-Diff would never go away and that dealing with it would be my new normal. I struggled with self-doubt as I started my first job and realized how unprepared I was for the difficult setting I now practice in. I struggled to balance my responsibilities and loyalties as a mother, wife and employee. I struggled as the relationship with my husband was challenged and changed by the birth of our son and subsequent health challenges, sleeplessness, new responsibilities and demands on our time. I struggled with frustration at the political goings on in America. Through it all, I struggled spiritually. I asked myself why God wasn't helping us more. Why He wouldn't just let Eric find a job or why He wouldn't help our baby sleep. I struggled to make time for my spiritual health: scripture study, meaningful prayer, reflection. I allowed myself to be angry and distanced from God in my trials rather than humbled and brought to Him. I found myself questioning things that at other times in my life I knew so strongly. It was a hard year.

But 2016 was also an amazing year. Levi brings so much light, and joy and purpose to our home. I never imagined I could love a person so completely as I love that little boy. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. I am so grateful I got to spend so much one-on-one time with him before starting work. And I am so grateful that I got to see my family and Eric's family so much this past year! We definitely were more connected with our families than we ever have been before in our marriage and that was an awesome thing. We also got to make some great new friends this year and had some fun experiences with them.

I feel hopeful as we start 2017. Eric and I have set goals, personal, family and financial and I feel really good about them. We have a plan and now that I have a job and Eric has a job (YAY) and our nanny is settled in, we have the stability that I have been wanting and craving. We also have some great things to look forward to this year: Levi's first birthday, NEXT Conference for PT in Boston, Lauren's wedding (yay!!), Eric's family reunion in Colorado, and hopefully Thailand in the fall!! It's going to be a busy year but hopefully a great year. I know that life tends to throw us curves and things happen that I would never expect, but I hope that I can face the challenges of this year with a little more faith, hope and patience than I did last year. I was just called to be the YW personal progress advisor and I believe it's because I really need to focus on my faith. So I decided to do the personal progress program again. I started with faith value experience number one and as I read it to start doing it I was like, "yes! This is exactly what I need!" I know that it will help me grow spiritually. I know that if I put forth the time and commitment, it will be a huge blessing to me, especially as Levi grows and I start to really teach him about who he is and the gospel.

So yeah, that's where things stand right now. I look forward to keeping up with this blog regularly so that I can look back and watch our son and family grow this year. To round out 2016, here's some last pictures from our December happenings!

Ok seriously, this stretch?! the chins! He's so cute, I can't even!

He was definitely on my wish list :)

Levi's first experience with snow! Love his amazement.

He's happy about the snow- unlike the rest of Oregon. The Portland metro does not handle snow well. On the day of our biggest storm it took me 3 hours to make my normally 25 minute commute home! It was horrible. 

Levi's preferred sleeping position. 

Beets. Messy but apparently delish (although I still think they taste and smell like dirt)

Levi loved Santa!

He even snuggled up to him! Sooo cute!

Love these little cousins! I can't wait till they're old enough to play together!

Our little biker dude

Levi and cousin Katie.

And with Camdyn

We got to spend an evening in Texas with Eric's good friends from high school and their cute kiddos. Not pictured: Thomas and Kristen's sweet little boy. All boys in the gang here. 

Exploring the jam from grandma.

Love his new snow hat and his two cute teeth! 

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