I've been trying to think of anything funny or insightful to share but nothing in particular comes to mind. Things have been pretty good around here. Now that the snow has melted (hallelujah), the sickness has all cleared up (yay!) and our guests are gone for a while (we miss you!) things have settled down into a quiet normal. Levi has FINALLY started sleeping through the night with some regularity! It's amazing. The first night he did it I looked at Eric and was like, "did he just sleep through the night?" and Eric was like, "I think he did!" I felt soo rested. And since then he's started doing it more often. I seriously feel so great. Sleep is a beautiful thing. Haha. Anyway, that's the big news around here. Levi is also very close to walking! He loves to charge around our house with his hands held and he just needs the tiniest bit of support. He can walk holding on with only one hand but he doesn't like to, partially because he likes to go fast and can't when holding on with only one hand. Every day I look at him he seems so much taller and older. I can't believe how quickly my little baby is growing up! In less than a month, he will be a year old! It blows my mind. I feel like I just started this blog and yet, soon it will have been a year ago that I first sat down to write a post. I've changed so much in the past year, I can barely remember what it was like not to have Levi. He is my world and I'm so grateful for him!
Anyway, here's some pictures of what we've been up to for the past few weeks!
We had an ice skating ward activity one of the Saturdays in January. Eric had a lot of fun skating around with Levi in the carrier. Levi wasn't sure what he thought of it at first but then he warmed up to it and had a blast too.
Levi was so proud of himself that he figured out how to climb on top of the box and then pull to stand so he could really get to his books. The box has since been relocated to a better home but Levi still loves to pull all his books off of the bottom shelf! :)

Levi playing with his friend Riley. We love having good friends in the ward with kiddos the same age as Levi! It's so fun to watch the babies together. Riley is only about 2 weeks older than Levi but she's been walking since December and she likes to come over to Levi and take whatever toys he has, or his binkie, and Levi just sits there and lets her. He has no self-preservation instincts whatsoever. He's just like, "oh ok." One time a baby at church who is actually a couple weeks younger than Levi was getting all up in Levi's face and then ended up pushing him over and Levi literally just lay there looking up at the ceiling like, "What just happened?" He didn't cry or get upset or anything! Haha, I think that's a little bit of his sweet, patient daddy's character coming out in him :)
Levi was very interested in the new trash cans with the locking lids we got. I love how he gets all the way up on his tip toes to try to look inside.
One of Levi's favorite things to do: wrestle with Daddy!
He also thinks it's just so silly to sit on Eric's head instead of his shoulders haha
Our little man is getting so good at standing! He has stood for 10 seconds without holding onto anything twice! He always gets so proud of himself whenever he does it, but usually he would rather just drop down to the floor and crawl if we let go of his hands. He's like, "C'mon Mom, I've got places to go and things to do! I'm not just gonna stand there!"
Little man LOVES apples! Any time he sees me eating one, he hurries over and starts begging for it. I let him gnaw on the core when I'm done with it and it is seriously his favorite thing. He still only has the two teeth so he's not really able to break off any pieces of it but he loves to gum it anyway and suck the juice off it. He will contentedly play with an apple core for a good 10 minutes. He pulled this apple out of my lunch bag which I had left within reach and was so proud of himself that he had found it.
This week Levi discovered how to pull the tightly packed DVDs off the shelf. Looks like they may need to find a new home!
We went up to Portland yesterday as a family which was really nice. Eric has taught Levi how to do a victory fist. Sooo cute!
So yeah, that's been our life lately. I'm excited what's coming up in the next couple weeks with Levi's first Valentine's day and then Eric and my anniversary; it'll be a good month!