Also Eric and I celebrated our anniversary this week! Some friends of ours watched Levi for us so Eric and I could go out to dinner and go dancing. We went to dance at this fun place right here in Tualatin called Bushwhackers. Apparently they have a live band every Friday night which is pretty cool. It was so fun to dance again, its been a while! We will have to go back again soon.
So, yeah that's what's been happening lately. Here's some pictures from the last couple weeks:
So I went to Costco and came home with this box. While I was putting something away in another part of the house, Levi flipped the box over, pushed it to the stove and climbed on top of it to reach the burner! Good thing the stove wasn't on! He was ridiculously proud of himself for being so resourceful haha.
Made Levi a green smoothie the other day with banana, strawberry, green leaf lettuce and coconut milk and little man devoured it! He loved it so much he just kept asking for more until it was all gone.
Levi and I went to the park on Thursday and he had fun climbing up and down these steps over and over and watching and pointing at the bigger kids playing. He was so cute!
He also highly enjoyed playing in the sand which kind of grossed me out more than a little. I mean, who knows what kind of things he might unearth under there! EWWW! But as long as he didn't put it in his mouth I let him play with it. It's good sensory play right? haha.
Levi loves to stand at the window and watch the rain.
He's quite possibly the cutest kid on the planet.
We've been working on teaching Levi to use a spoon. He actually really likes it and gets super excited when we help him dip it into something and then guide it to his mouth. But sometimes, when it's something he really likes to eat (like yogurt), he's like, "Forget the spoon Mom! Imma just drink this!" Haha.
So yeah, that's what's going on in our beautiful life! I wouldn't have it any other way :)
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