Sunday, March 5, 2017

365 Amazing Days

I can't believe my baby turns ONE tomorrow! He's spent 365 days here on Earth with us! It feels like so little time and I am so grateful that him being my son isn't something that has an expiration date. It's not something it's ever going to be finished. I know some day he will grow up and move out of our house but no matter what, he is a part of our family forever and I can't imagine it any other way.

We did a cake smash for him yesterday. In typical me fashion we went just slightly overboard putting it all together. Eric and I designed a chalkboard sign together (which was super fun, and a much better use of our evening than the typical mindless tv show!), I made a bunting banner and a cake and we even went all the way up to IKEA to buy a cute little chair for him (I made the case for it being part of his birthday present haha). We were a little worried about the weather because it was supposed to rain all day long. But we prayed the rain would hold off for at least a few minutes for us and it did! We caught a break from the showers and got to do the whole shoot without a drop falling (although it was quite a bit nippy and not a little windy!). As soon as we packed it all up and got back in the car, the heavy raindrops started again. It was like a little miracle just for us.

Anyway, because it has been so rainy here, the grass had turned into a bit of a swamp and what with that and the cold temperatures and the wind, poor bubba was shivering by the time we were done. But he still had a ton of fun smearing cake literally everywhere and running away from us haha.

My friend let me borrow a two small pyrex pans to make a cake just the right size. 

Levi watching while we set it all up: "What? What's happening down there?"

First I will remove this unwanted non-food item. 


A whole huge lawn for me to run around on? YESSSS! 

Flying with Daddy is the best!

"Are you guys going to come get me or what?" Haha

Happy Birthday baby!

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