Yesterday Eric, Levi and I went out to Newport for the day. The Hatfield Marine Science Center was a having a free exhibit day so we went and checked out the exhibits with a few friends of ours. Levi got to pet some anemones and starfish and he got his first taste of seaweed-it was salty and he wasn't a fan! Haha. We also got to see some really gross giant sea worms and meet two cool octopi. We then went to the beach and Levi had a blast running around and eating sand. He would absolutely love to get to go there every day I'm sure- no boundaries and as much open space as he could ever want! But unfortunately our time was cut short because of a sudden rainstorm which quickly turned to hail! We practically ran back up the huge flight of stairs to our car and poor Levi was shivering even in his multiple layers and jacket. No sunny beach days for us tough Oregon dwellers! Because it was rainy, we found some indoor things to do instead. We went to this awesome little glass art gallery which was cool and then we took Levi to this place called Yo Ho Ho Indoor Bounce. For $3 he got to run around and play on bounce houses. Eric and I helped him go down the big slides which he loved. Eric and I may have raced through a bounce house obstacle course and had our fair share of fun too. Haha. Anyway, we finished out the day with a really delicious dinner at Georgie's Beachside Grill. The view was spectacular! I wish I could have just relaxed and stayed there a while drinking it all in, but little man was definitely done and grouchy by that point so we packed up and headed back home. And as soon as we got on the road, he was out! Busy days definitely tucker this little one out!
I am so grateful we got to go on that little escape to the beach! Even though it's a long drive it was definitely worth it to get away from my to-do lists and just have fun with Eric and Levi enjoying nature and art and learning more about our world. It was especially needed because work has been so stressful lately. I've had several very challenging patients and have had a hard time meeting our productivity standards. Sitting in sacrament meeting today I was realizing how much the negativity of my patients is rubbing off on me. It makes me so much more easily frustrated and angry. I was realizing how important it is for me to put on the armor of God to protect me from all the negativity around me at work. I know that saying our family prayers in the morning and me doing my personal scripture study are so important to help me not internalize the negativity and bring it home with me. I have got to be better at making time for these things which are vital to protecting myself and my family.
Anyway, here are some pictures form the last couple weeks and I feel like they pretty much sum up all of Levi's favorite things: being outside, eating and making mischief. Haha.
Typical day at the park- Levi getting as muddy as possible!
Levi LOVES to climb stairs like a big boy. No crawling up for this little man, he's all about doing it himself using the railing.
Hmmm what's in here?... peanut butter! yay!!
Levi thinks it's hilarious when I whisper in his ear. He loves to hear secrets :)
Levi's new mischievous trick: climb up onto the coffee table and walk around on it! He knows he isn't supposed to so he likes to check if I'm looking first and then stand up as quickly as possible. Haha.
Levi is learning how to use a spoon! He is sometimes really good at dipping his spoon and bringing it to his mouth, but sometimes not so much. He enjoys getting it everywhere.
Levi and his new friend Opal the octopus at the Hatfield Marine Science Center
Levi absolutely LOVED having a whole huge beach to run around on!
He wasn't sure what to think of the sand. He tried eating it which, of course, was a horrible idea. He then tried to wipe off his tongue with his sand covered hands which was less than successful. But little man didn't want me to help him to get cleaned off so he just kept that sandy mouth for a while!
It was soo beautiful!
What a gorgeous beach day!!!