banana (usually just "nana" but sometimes the whole word!)
gigi (binkie)
woof (which he repeats over and over any time he sees a dog!)
ba (ball)
And, as I have mentioned before, Levi does some signing. Here are Levi's signs:
all done
We have been working on the sign for "help" but it's a tricky one so it's taking him a while to pick it up.
Anyway, life has been pretty good around here. Here's a little snapshot of our life in pictures:
Levi is obsessed with climbing onto the kitchen table and chairs. He may have said he was all done with dinner but if Eric or I are still eating, he will do his darndest to climb up on a chair and eat some of our food too!
Whenever I open our front door, Levi beelines it for the stairs. He would love it if I just let him climb up and down them over and over instead of whisking him off to wherever we happen to be going.
Out for a family walk!
I took Levi up to the OMSI on Thursday and he had a blast playing in the water area!
He was so cute in the little smock!
I love that it's finally warm enough for shorts and keens outside! It's supposed to be in the 90s tomorrow and Tuesday which will be amazing. Spring and summer are a long time coming here in OR so I really appreciate them when they finally arrive.
Anyway, so that's what's been going on! I love our little family and our life. My mom comes again this week and I can't wait to see her! There are good times ahead :)