Sunday, May 7, 2017

Here Comes the Sun... Hopefully!

So today was my first time fasting in almost two years! I can hardly believe how long it's been. I was worried that it would just be insanely difficult since I'm not used to it anymore but I prayed a lot and it worked! It hasn't been too difficult at all. And I am really grateful for this chance to fast again and thank Heavenly Father for all of the amazing blessings I have. I am so grateful that I am healthy enough to fast and for Eric and Levi and for my job and Eric's job. I love our life, I love that I don't have to work every day. I love Levi's little duck curls in the back. I love how much he is learning and growing. He knows how to go down the slide by himself now and he also (unfortunately) has learned how to take off his own diaper! Yikes! Haha.

I was trying to think of anything interesting to share in this post, but our life has been pretty normal. Emma came to visit us this weekend which was a lot of fun. Wish we got to see her more often! And we got Levi a big boy carseat so he is finally out of his infant bucket seat! He looks more grown up than ever in his new carseat and I love how much leg room he gets. We got the Graco Extend2Fit and so far I like it! Also we finally had a few warm days this week! Levi and I spent like two hours at the park on Wednesday and it got hot enough to get a bit of a sunburn!

So yeah, I haven't taken many pictures over the last couple weeks but what I do have sums things up pretty well so here you go!

My car is once again being reclaimed by nature. Yes those are real life plants growing on my car! 

I used some of my birthday money to re-do our back porch and I LOVE how it turned out! I especially love the lights! And my mint is super happy and growing like crazy. 

Love my boys!

So I feel like it's been winter FOREVER but we finally had two super warm days this past week so Levi got to wear his super cute new shorts for the first time! So so cute!

I just love this picture of Levi and Arlo. I feel like Levi is showing Arlo the way like, "Follow me!" 

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