So our crazy summer has begun! We celebrated Eric's birthday on Tuesday with a facetime to dear Greta, a new drill (hello diy projects!) and some delicious tritip and then cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. mmm. Wednesday and Thursday nights saw activities for EQ and RS and I learned how to make French macaroons. Turns out humidity is actually kind of a big deal when making finicky macaroons and you need to have pretty much as many items of equipment as there are ingredients. Weird. But maybe I will give them a shot sometime soon. I mean, there's only like a million ways to screw them up, what could go wrong? Haha.
Saturday we had a BBQ with some friends of ours and Levi got to sit at the kids table like a big kid. It was so fun to just chill with them and for Levi to get to run around in the backyard and us not have to worry about him! I'm really, really looking forward to having a yard someday. Levi will love it!
Anyway, this week I head to Boston for the NEXT conference which I am super excited for. I can't wait to see Lori again and get to hang out with her while learning some hopefully super useful things for work. And then the week after that we all get to head down to California for Lauren's wedding and 4th of July! Woohoo! Bring on the good times :)
Levi is learning how to use a spoon and rocking it. He's actually got better since this was taken but sometimes, he just likes to get messy. Pretty sure his chest is dirty because he just picked up yogurt and smeared it there on purpose. No joke.
Little man always has a blast at the park.
This child! He just LOVES to climb! And he is getting sooo good at it. Too good for his own good sometimes because he is completely fearless. He tries to climb ladders, walls, all the park equipment, etc.
Swallows his lips when he's concentrating just like his grandpa.
Eric, Levi and I made a blanket fort the other night! Levi loved it.
We had dinner with some friends of ours last night and Levi got to sit at a little table with the other kids! He is getting so big! and he did awesome with it! Also, he ate more than any of the other kids even though he's way younger haha. Kid loves food.