Sunday, June 4, 2017

Don't Worry There's Only a Few Stairs

So we got to have my mom come visit us again last weekend. We always love having her here and Levi adores her! Eric and I both took Friday off (instead of Monday) so we all went down and hiked Silver Falls. It was so cool and beautiful! I can't believe how close you get to get to the waterfalls! And Levi actually did really well walking a lot of the way. We had brought the stroller though and that proved to be quite an adventure because not only was the trail rocky and quite narrow in some parts but there also happened to be quite a few stairs leading down to the second fall! Mom had hiked it before but she didn't remember how many stairs there were and thought it wouldn't be a problem for the stroller. In response to my question to how many stairs are there when I saw them on the map she replied, "Not very many! Maybe a couple." Haha false. There was legit several FLIGHTS of stairs! But Eric is a champ and we just collapsed the stroller and Eric carried it all the way down and all the way up again and I wore Levi on my back in the carrier. And really I was glad to have the stroller on the way back because Levi got tired so it was nice for him to be able to ride since he doesn't really like riding in the carrier. 

Eric and Levi by the first fall

Sooo pretty! I love the green.

Anyway, so that was awesome, and as always it was nice just to spend time with my mom, go out to eat and play games together. And I just love seeing how Levi remembers his grandma and gets excited to see her. The day she left when he woke up from his nap he totally went looking for her :(
I'm glad to see them develop such a good relationship.

Mom and Levi at the park

So yeah, Mom's visit was awesome and other than that life around here has been pretty good. My favorite co-worker quit and her last day was Friday. I'm glad for her because she was getting way too stressed out at our job but I'm scared of what will happen without her because she kind of holds things together around there! And as far as I know, they haven't found a replacement for her yet so we will probably just a get a string of float therapists coming through for a while and that's never ideal. But oh well.

Eric's work is going well. He's thinking about asking his boss if he can go to Furniture Market which is like a big convention for furniture makers and dealers in Vegas this July. So if he gets to that will be another trip to add to our summer, well for him anyway! We're going to be very busy in July!

Anyway that's what's going on! Here's a little update of our life in pictures: 

Levi will sometimes climb up into the rocking chair and read himself a book. It never lasts long (this kiddo is always on the move!) but it is so adorable. 

I can't believe how long my hair is getting!

Levi rocking a new outfit from grandma, pretty sure it's stained already because he ate mango while wearing it but oh well, clothes are to be lived in!

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