Also, I locked my keys in my car today. And we don't have a spare key because of the whole dropping my keys down that pole in the park incident. So my car is still just chilling at the church. We'll have to call roadside assistance tomorrow morning before Eric goes to work.
I took pictures of the young women today for YW in excellence. Thankfully the girls were good sports about it and most of the pictures turned out pretty good but I have two that are a bit blurry. Not sure what happened with those, I must have been in too much of a hurry and moved or something. Which is super embarrassing and makes me feel like a pretty awful photographer.
With all of this going on, I'm really grateful I got to go to women's conference yesterday. I always feel the spirit there and I leave feeling inspired to do and be better. This time I especially appreciated President Uchtdorf's talk. He talked about how we choose our attitude regardless of our circumstances. He talked about how comparison makes us sad and how we can let go of worrying about how others feel or think and just be ourselves. I have to admit I have let myself feel sad a bit today but even though I feel sad about Levi being sick and my lost keys and the bad pictures, I still am so grateful for my life, my boys and the beautiful fall weather we are finally having! We are blessed beyond measure.
Realized last week that Levi is now big enough for his little track suit. So cute!
This is how we've been spending a lot of our Sundays this month what with Levi being sick! Love my sweet boy snuggles but sad for the circumstances.
We've got a little fall fashion model on our hands
Seriously the cutest boy
Rain coat season is back!
In other news, I chopped all my hair off! Yay! I feel so liberated.
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