It's been a while since I've updated on what's been going on so let's see if I can remember everything that's happened this month.
First of all, I had some blood work done in April because I was super itchy, esp at night, and my midwife was a little concerned about cholestasis. Thankfully my liver was totally fine but when the blood work came back for ferritin levels (iron stores) I was ridiculously low. Normal range is 30-300 and mine was 5. This means that while I wasn't super anemic I had pretty much used up all of my iron reserves. So my midwife had me get iron infusions. I was a little nervous about them because they have a little bit of a high rate of people being allergic to them but thankfully I tolerated them just fine. And my ministering sister was a complete saint and took Levi for all three times I had to go (2-3 hours each time!). I am so grateful for her! And it makes me feel better going into delivery with my iron levels boosted back up to normal (138 now woot woot).
So that happened. Also, Eric has been working on Levi's big boy bed. He's finally got the headboard, footboard and side rails all done and stained and sealed but he still needs to attach the hardware, build and stain the rail to keep Levi from falling out and cut the slats. So... it's still a work in progress. But I was anxious to finish the nursery and get it all cute so I could take pictures of it before my mom comes to stay in there so we bought Levi a mattress and the last couple of nights he's been sleeping on just a twin mattress on the floor. I was nervous about how he would handle the transition (especially for nap times!) but he has actually been doing really great with it! He has been sleeping just like normal and so far hasn't fought going down or anything! And I have to say, he loves having a big mattress to jump around on. He does look tiny on it though! His bed just looks so big compared to him! Which is great really because I took him this week and got him a big boy summer haircut and he suddenly looks WAY older!
He was pretty excited about his balloon and his lollipop, which was good because he cried pretty much the whole time he was getting his hair cut. He still doesn't like things that make loud noises, like clippers and the hair dryer!
I've ordered her even more cute headbands, once they come it may look a little crowded but I am seriously so excited about them because they are so adorable!
Anyway, other fun things that have been happening lately, Eric took Levi to his first Father-Son campout! Levi was soo excited to go! It was adorable. As soon as he saw Eric taking out the camping gear and saw that it involved luggage, he was totally on board. Haha. But yeah he and Eric both had a great time! They shared a tent with our friend Lavell and his son Porter and it went really well. And Levi ate more sugar that weekend than he ever has in a two day period in his life. Haha.
Levi and Eric on the campout.
In other news, my sweet coworkers threw me a surprise baby shower! And they definitely succeeded in surprising me! They made out like we had an eval planning meeting and I didn't think anything of it. Then when I showed up all the lights were off and I was like, "what the?" and then they all jumped out and surprised me! It was very sweet of them. And my contract came through! So I will officially be working there again in the fall!
On a completely non-related note, garage sale season has started up again and I'm super excited! Haha, I love garage sales! So far this season I've only been to two but I've managed to score some super cute new summer t-shirts and a sweatshirt for Levi and a free pair of sandals which happen to fit him perfectly! #Win.
So yeah, that's what's been going on here! And we've got a busy week ahead of us! Tomorrow night we are having a BBQ and combined FHE with some friends of ours (including Levi's bestie Lincoln). Tuesday afternoon Eric's sister Carma and her family come into town (yay!). Tuesday night my mom comes into town (and will be bringing Levi his promised ukelele. I told him that grandma was bringing him a present that was like a guitar and ever since then he has been asking regularly, "my tar? my tar?" Haha). Then Wed and Thurs are my last two days of work till the fall (hooray!). And then Saturday is my due date. And of course, baby girl could just decide to show up any time! Although I don't really feel like labor is imminent. When the doctor checked me on Friday I was only dilated to a 2 and baby's head was still pretty high. And I haven't been having many contractions at all so hopefully she will stay put till I'm done with work and I'm not super worried that she won't.
Here's some last pictures of the few weeks. So glad to have sunshine back around here!
Levi loves the truck park!
He's looking at me like, "What? This isn't a weird thing to be doing at all!"
One week for FHE Eric had us do an activity where we took turns finding things around the house that make us happy. Levi's first pick was this bowl. Haha. I love how he's getting old enough to be proud of his possessions a little bit and I just love how the simple things bring him so much joy!
He also chose his paintings
And his new whale which he got as his happy meal toy haha.
Either Eric or I chose our family :)
Levi really likes to use his tools to "fix" his toys
Two Saturdays ago Levi's friend Liam had his third birthday party and Levi found a chair at his house that fit him perfectly. He loved it.
Also Levi has been really into taking selfies on my phone lately. He looks so much like my friend Kaitlin's little boy Luke in this picture!!