Monday, May 7, 2018

Maternity Family Pictures

I am so excited for baby girl to be here in just a few weeks! We've got the nursery almost 100% done, I've washed the linens and clothes, we have diapers, we're just waiting on this little girlie now! (Well and for Eric to finish Levi's big boy bed so we can put the crib in the nursery and for my mom to get back from Hawaii haha).

Yesterday we recruited the help from a laurel in our ward and went down to Champoeg state park to take some family/maternity pictures. I love how they turned out, especially since they were kind of a last minute, no prior planning kind of thing! Enjoy!

I am so grateful we live in the most beautiful place ever!

Love this kiddo's power stance!!

Ok seriously? I have the cutest boys!!!

This picture cracks me up! I feel like Eric could totally be an old-time rancher. Return to those Texas roots honey!

Listening to Baby Car. Melts my heart!

I just love our family!!!


  1. Wow, these photos are so stunning! Beautiful family. Love y’all. 😘

  2. Beautiful! Can't wait for my little niece to make her arrival
