Sunday, July 29, 2018

"Levi Not a Girl, I Handsome!"

Levi just says the funniest things sometimes! I was changing his diaper the other day and this was our conversation:
Levi: "Baby Emery a girl?"
Me: "Yes, baby Emery is a girl."
Levi: "Katie a girl?"
Me: "Yes"
Levi: "Mommy a girl?"
Me: "Yes, I'm a girl bud."
Levi: "Daddy not a girl, Daddy handsome! Levi not a girl, I handsome!"

Haha, I just love it. I was telling Eric as we were driving to church today that I just love the way he talks. His favorite book this week is Grover's First Day of School, only when Levi says it it sounds like Oval's First Day of School. Haha.

We had a pretty busy week this week. On Tuesday evening we went to the library and got to see a musician juggler. That was pretty cool. Levi loved it and danced (aka jumped) around pretty much the whole time we were there. He was easily the most enthusiastic audience member and I loved watching him love it!

 On Wednesday we had the Hirsts over for a farewell dinner. Levi requested that we make pizza so we did. I will really miss having them here. Levi and Lincoln are just such good friends! Levi calls Lincoln "Best Lincoln" and always gets so excited to see him and play with him and they play really well together and pretty much never have a hard time sharing with each other. I love that they are so close in age and that Emery and Cassidy are so close too! I wish they were staying close by so that I could see our girls grow up together like Levi and Lincoln have. We are really going to feel a hole in our social circle without them around. They leave on Tuesday and I am just so bummed about it!

These sweet babies are only 8 days apart. They're close to the same size but look sooo different!

4 cute kiddos!

We're going to miss our friends!

Then yesterday Eric and I took the kids up to the Washington County Fair. It was blazing hot and we all practically sweated to death but Levi loved it! He got to ride his very first roller coaster and was a big fan. We also got to watch some awesome motor cross which we all liked. We caught a little bit of a hypnotist show which Eric and I thought was cool but Levi quickly got bored of, we ate fair food, and we played a few carnival games from which Levi won a super obnoxious trumpet that he loves to play at full volume and a stuffed minion which he adores and took to bed with him last night. Haha. Also it was nice because the fair actually had a canopied closed off area in the kiddie area for mothers which had a changing table and rocking chairs so it was easy for me to feed Emery and change her when she had a blow out poop (of course). Overall, I would call it a success!

Levi and Daddy on the train ride

He requested that his picture be taken by the barn

Little man loves his prizes!

It may have been one of my worst decisions to let him pick the trumpet! Soooo squeaky. 

So yeah, that was our week. I can't believe that I get to head out to Utah with the kids in just about a week! Levi, Emery and I took Katie to the train station on Friday so she could get to the airport. She's off in California now helping her friend pack up and then they are both going to drive out to North Carolina where her friend is moving to. Then Kate will fly from North Carolina and meet me and the kids in the airport in Utah. We planned our flights so they land only 10 minutes apart which is so great! So yeah, I'm looking forward to that but it blows my mind that by the time we get back I will only have a couple weeks left before I will be back at work! Ahh!!!

This is how Levi responds when I tell him it's time to get dressed in the morning. 

Bestest smile!! 

It's been sooo hot here, I've taken the kids to splash pads a fair amount. Levi loves running around in the water and baby girl and I try to find some shade to hang out in. 

I just have the cutest family! Even if Levi is moving too much to show his cuteness in this picture! 

1 comment:

  1. That's right, cutest family ever 😀❤️
