Anyway, but our house is slowly coming together! Our countertops and backsplash are done! We have a brand new beautiful kitchen table and chairs, I finally caulked and painted the trim on the pony wall so that's done, and we've got the playroom all set up with our homemade watercolor Disney art on the walls and the craft zone all set up. It looks AWESOME but man that was like a whole day project!
But even with all this going on, the other day I decided to just check Indeed for any new job openings. And I found one for ECI through MHMR Tarrant County. It was listed as part-time in Little Elm and so I applied and the very next day I got an interview request! I was super surprised but also pleased. I've done my first and second round interviews now and I just have a third-round to go on Tuesday. I REALLY hope I get this job. It's a little daunting because they use a primary service provider model so I will be expected to support all aspects of the child's development (not just PT related stuff) but they have a great onboarding process with lots of training and a good team approach so I know I will learn a TON. And it pays decently and has GREAT benefits even if I only work 20 hours a week! And they can be super flexible on the hours too. Honestly it kind of seems perfect and I am just really hoping I get the job! And I was talking to Eric about this the other day and it just makes me realize that Heavenly Father really knows what He is doing. I mean, I applied to and interviewed with so many other jobs but none of them were as good of an opportunity as this and honestly, the timing of this is just SO much better. He knew I wasn't really ready to start working yet. He knew that the house and getting settled would take a LOT of my time and that it would be WAY too stressful if I were trying to work right now on top of this. And this opportunity is exactly in the field I want to work in, in a great location and I would start in January which is perfect because we will be settled in the house by then and the holidays will be over and it just sounds great. So yeah, I am praying and hoping they hire me!! And praying we can find the right childcare for the kids if I do get the job!
Anyway, so that's what's going on here. We are liking our new ward and hoping to make some new friends soon. I did invite Levi's friend Nico (from his soccer team) over for a play date and that went really well. I really like his mom, Maria and Levi and Nico get along great. So hopefully that friendship will develop as well. I feel like we have a lot of opportunities opening up here in front of us. And yeah the days are long and can be crazy still and we have wasp problems and a house that still has boxes all over the place but it's coming along and I feel hopeful about the future. And I just can't believe how soon the holidays will be upon us! It's blowing my mind that Thanksgiving is this week and Christmas is only a month away!!
For some reason Levi has been really into closing his eyes when I try to take his picture! Good thing he's so cute or it would be super annoying! On this day, Levi had requested to wear his fireman costume from last Halloween and when Emery saw it she wanted to wear it too! Thank goodness it was easy for them to share.
We had quite a bit of trouble with our dryer when we first moved in. It kept giving us this error message and shutting off. When I looked it up I found it it meant that 90% of the air flow was being blocked so the dryer was shutting off to prevent fire. Well, Eric went on the roof and investigated the vent and found a birds nest was stuck in there! He couldn't get it out but Papi came and helped us fish it out. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to get it fully unclogged and after repeated efforts, we finally ended up having to pay someone more than $300 to come out and professionally clean our vents before our dryer would work. The vent guy said it looked like the vents hadn't been cleaned in probably 10 years! Yikes.
My messy boy after playing in the mud in the backyard.
When everyone has a cold and feels a little icky sometimes you just need to snuggle in mommy and daddy's bed and watch some Llama Llama.
Levi showing off his new temple picture he got from Papi and Nona. He is a big fan of temples and of wearing hats all the time, even inside the house.
If he doesn't have a hat he sometimes improvises with other non-hats!
And Emery likes to copy brother.
She is such a cutie and lately has been developing even more opinions. She is becoming fiercely independent, likes to pick out her own clothes and shoes, and only wants her drinks out of certain cups. I'm a little scared of how this will evolve as she continues to grow haha.
She was so tired two days ago that she fell asleep during lunch right there in her highchair!
She doesn't usually fall asleep in her high chair but she does like to lounge in it. And she is especially fond of putting her feet up on the table if she can! In this case, the black stuff on her feet are Oreo crumbs. Not sure how she does it but even just one oreo manages to cover her head to foot!
They're so cute together!
On Friday they wanted to play outside (even though it was FREEZING) so I gave them some brooms and let them sweep the driveway while I hung out in the slightly warmer garage.
Emery mostly just poked the leaves
But Levi did a pretty good job clearing the sidewalk.
And now, here's some pictures of our various house projects!
I'm loving the german schmear on the fireplace but jury's still out on the stain for the mantle.
Love love love our hardware and our countertops!!
Shelves I made for our half-bath.
The kids' craft space! Just like I envisioned.