We moved into our new house yesterday! And of course by that I mean, we brought in all our stuff in bags and boxes into a chaos and we built our beds and washed our sheets and slept here! Haha. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that this is really our house and this is where we will be living for the next several years. It's surreal to me. We've waited for this day for sooo long it feels like and now it's here and I can barely believe it! Despite the house being an absolute disaster and not really knowing where anything is and our remodel still unfinished with lots of little details that need to be worked on still, right now, it's a peaceful, quiet Sunday afternoon. Emery is taking her nap and Levi is playing in his room with his airport which he is very happy to have back. Things are peaceful and still and I am feeling more than a little sleepy. Part of that is probably due to the fact that it's fast Sunday and at least a little of it can be attributed to the fact that I have gotten very little sleep this past week as we have been working hard on the house getting ready to move in. Ever since we closed on it, I have been throwing myself into getting it ready for us. Calling all the tradesmen, getting quotes, negotiating, buying product, giving instructions, painting, taping, cleaning, schmearing, and driving. Oh my all the driving. 40 minutes from the house to the ranch is great now that we are here but man was it a pain while we were still living at the ranch but having to drive out here all the time to work on the house. I know things will stay busy and hectic for a while while I set about unpacking all the things and cleaning more and organizing but it is still nice to be in our own space at last. And it feels so good to have enough space to grow into. I feel like this house will serve us well for at least a while to come.
Since we are just starting out here I really want to create a positive and happy home for me and the children. We haven't dedicated the house yet but we did sit down as a family two Mondays ago and talked about what we hope for this house and our goals. Like that this house would be a house of learning and service that here communication would be open and easy that all who enter here would feel understood. It's like a fresh page and a chance to work to develop new better habits and abandon older practices that don't serve us. I just have to remind myself that I don't have to be perfect, that the house doesn't have to be perfect and that progress (the evolution of discipleship) isn't usually a straight forward thing and that I will take steps backwards and sideways and that each day just won't be better than the last and that's ok as long as I keep facing the right direction. Focused on the Savior and my personal and family goals.
Photos of life from mid Oct through Nov 3rd:
Before we got things unpacked into the cabinets the kids- especially Emery!- really loved climbing into the cabinets and shutting the door.
Our first dinner in our new house! Eating Little Ceasars pizza while sitting on a cardboard box on the kitchen floor!
Two weekends before Halloween Katie and Kendall came to visit us! It was so fun to have them here! But the weekend was a little crazy because some workers were putting in a new gas line out at the ranch and they nicked Papi's sewer line so there we couldn't use any drains all weekend! Which meant no toilets and no showers at the house! We had to go up to the pool house or over to Jim and Jenny's for all of that which was quite the hassle! Especially with 11 people in the house that weekend! But it all worked out and we had a fun weekend anyway, especially with going to the pumpkin patch!
The pumpkin patch had lots of fun bounce-houses for the kids!
Levi was so exited to take a picture with Elsa and Anna! He LOVES Frozen. We are planning on taking him to see Frozen 2 as his first movie in the movie theater :)
This picture cracks me up! She's holding a computer mouse but it looks like she's a little business women doing a work phone call!
Love, love, love my boys!
Levi borrowed this Paw Patrol book from his cousins and was soo happy about it that he asked me to take a picture of him with it.
My little tiger and Cat Boy at our ward Halloween party. Emery was not super thrilled to be a tiger but she got over it.
On Halloween we got to go trick or treating at the library! They had a cute little Halloween themed story time and then the kids got to go around to the different library workers to get treats. I decided it wasn't work the struggle with Emery to put her in a costume she didn't like to wear so we just did a Halloween shirt for her.
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