Sometimes Levi says the funniest things. The other day while the kids were napping I was just sitting on the couch finishing up my lunch with some Girl Scout cookies and Levi came out of his room and as soon as he saw me he was like: "Sneaker Mommy! You sneaking treats?! You sneaker Mommy!" It was so funny I had to share a Girl Scout cookie with him! Haha. Also he has taking to saying "No, no, no" in a very grownup way (like with a sigh at the end) whenever he disagrees with what we've said (which is a lot of the time). He is so funny but can be so incredibly disagreeable sometimes! The other day he tried to pick a fight with me because I said that our pretend cooked cars were crunchy! Me: "mmm crunchy!" Levi: "No mommy! They're not crunchy!" Oook.
In other news, Emery and Levi and I have all come down with colds again. Mine just started and Emery's is the worst by far. Poor girl has the worst sounding cough! And she had a fever the other night and she just sounds all congested and hasn't been sleeping super well and is way more grouchy than normal. I feel like we've had more than our fair share of sickness this winter and it just makes me long for summer even more than I am already. I feel like summer just can't come soon enough! I am just so ready to not be cold and wet all the time. And to have a house. And a garage. And a yard. And a kitchen that I can open the fridge and the dishwasher at the same time in. And a dedicated playroom to house all these toys. And did I mention a garage? They started doing some renovations on our apartment complex so the work crews and supplies have taken up some of the parking. So Eric had to park way far away yesterday. And Emery's car seat was in his car. Which meant that when we went to go to church today not only did we have to walk down two flights of stairs we also had to trudge across the complex in the rain and wrestle the kids into their carseats while getting rained on and not having enough space to open the doors all the way because the parking spaces are small and Eric was wedged between a big van and a dumpster. I am so over it. But at least we only have 4 more months here. And hopefully I will remember this and it will help me to appreciate it when I do have all these things that I want so much now.
Anyway, Eric and I got to celebrate our anniversary this weekend! We kept it simple and just went out to dinner at a nice place. And then when we got home, we just both pretty much immediately fell asleep! A testament to how tiring it is to have a sick baby! Happy 6 years, and goodnight! Haha.
So yeah, that's how life has been here in the Martino household recently. Just waiting for it to stop raining, and slushing and snowing and be nice again so we can get back to playing outside. I miss the park a lot. And poor Levi still has barely had a chance to try his new scooter or his tricycle. But someday I'm sure the sun will come out again! Until then, here's some cuteness to help make the time pass:
Why hello cuteness!!
Last Saturday while I worked on my shelf, Eric took the kids on a hike with his friend Lavell and his kids Porter and Rylee. Levi had a blast but Emery looked a little cold and less than thrilled.
Burrito Babies! Levi was jumping off the walls the other day and wanted to wrestle and be wild but Emery was sleeping. So I rolled him up in a yoga mat and gave him some axial compressions as if he was one of my patients and then I put pretend toppings on him and pretended to eat him. He loved it and it kind of helped calm the crazy. Then when Emery woke up and she had to be a burrito too.
Emery loves playing in the Ikea house and tunnel with Levi!
My (almost) finished jewelry shelf. I am seriously so proud of this! Easy enough for me to make by myself with my very limited skills in just a couple of hours and for less than $10 of material (we already had the stain and sealant and the wood screws).
When Eric and I went out to dinner for our anniversary the restaurant gave us a card. Happy birthday to our marriage! Haha.
Levi: "Take a picture mommy!"
Emery: "mmmm brother"
I love it when baby girl shoots me the biggest grins when I go in to get her from her nap! It's one of the best feelings in the world. Recently she's started sitting up in her crib so I will go in there when she wakes up and shes just sitting there waiting for me. Soo cute.