But speaking of snow, it did snow a little bit on Tuesday and Levi was SOOO excited. He started asking to go out and play in it and go sledding starting at about 7 am. Thankfully I was able to make him wait until after Emery's morning nap. He had a great time playing around in it, Emery not so much. Poor thing just kept looking around like, "it's so cold!" Haha.
I put a little trash bag down so that she wouldn't get wet.
But I think this face sums up her thoughts about the snow. Haha
It's a little hard to see but Levi's got a giant grin on his face about having someone else around to play in the snow with (a little girl from our apartment complex).
Anyway, it's been a little while since I wrote a post so I realized I never updated about Eric and my get-away to the coast. At the end of January my mom came for a visit which is always nice and this time she was an extra angel and watched the kids for us so that Eric and I could do a little get-away to the beach! Oh my goodness it was perfect! So beautiful and relaxing! We had chosen a hotel with AMAZING ocean views and fireplaces in the rooms so we just spent a lot of time just laying on the bed looking out at the waves, napping and watching the fire. It was so great.
The view from our room. Swoon.
I am definitely going to miss the ocean when we move to Texas, even though we hardly ever go now even though it's only an hour and a half away. But this trip made me realize that I REALLY want to take the kids to the beach before we move- but hopefully when it's a little warmer and when Emery is walking (if she walks before we move). Eric and I found this little cafe near Lincoln City that was DELICIOUS. I know Levi would love it.
Also, the night before our get-away, Emma and Spencer came into town because Emma was competing in a hoop competition. So we got together with them and had dinner together which was really nice.
Emery wearing Spencer's hat. Soo cute!
Since my mom left, it's been back to life as usual. Eric picked up a little contract job for a friend of ours in the ward so he will be working a few extra hours each week which will be nice for our wallet and still manageable workload wise. Work for me is going well, we're in the height of IEP season right now but so far all of the meetings have gone well. I've picked up two more kiddos for direct service minutes which is nice because it means I get to do more hands-on PT. We also got together with our friends the Durtchis the other night and did dinner and games which is always a lot of fun.
Our life is full. Busy and with lots of excitement for the future and good things coming our way. The saying that the days are long and the weeks are short is so incredibly true. The moments when both kids are crying a refusing to go down for naps or when I tell Levi, "be careful with your cup" and he looks at me and then deliberately dumps his milk all over the floor, feel so long, but then I look at my sweet baby and see how big she's getting and time seems to be flying right by. She learned how to say "mama" this week and now she uses it to call for me when she's upset and it's the sweetest thing! She still hasn't figured out crawling though which is definitely a source of frustration for her. I feel like pictures capture this time better than words, so as always, here's some snapshots of our life:
Who's pretty? Oh that's right, me!
In this rare picture when Emery's hair is lying somewhat flat you can see how long it's getting. Poor little one was just sooo tired!
I just absolutely love Levi's face in this picture! He can be so tender with her.... sometimes haha.
Little miss is getting pretty good at staying standing as long as I put her there. She isn't pulling up yet though, which thankfully means the coffee table is still a safe place to put things out of her reach! We've got to live that up while we can! Haha.
I finally got around to staining Levi's bookshelves so that they match his headboard. It only took me about 9 months haha. But I am so happy to finally get them stained and back up on the wall so that Levi's books aren't' just all piled in a box by his bed!
The kids looked so cute before church today that I had to take a picture.
This is what happens when I try to get Levi to look at me and smile. Golly.
Emery is always trying to be all over Levi as long as he's close enough. She's still his biggest fan :)
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