Sunday, August 18, 2019

New Job, New Ride

So first big news: Eric got the job in Plano! He starts full-time on September 1st! Which is awesome and good news for us for being able to start looking for a house soon, but it will definitely be a little rough when he starts having to make that hour + commute daily!

Second big news: we got a car! Yay! It's a 2018 Pacifica Touring and a great color. We were able to get a good rate for an auto loan from First Tech and the whole experience through Car Max was so low stress! No waiting, transparent processes, low-key sales guy. It was soo much better than any of the other dealers we visited. And I drove the car with the kids to the store yesterday for the first time and it was seriously sooo nice to push a button and have the doors open/close and push a button and have the trunk open/close. I'm loving it! And I'm just so glad to have one less thing to worry about and now we will be able to leave when we want and have so much more freedom during the week!

Other than those two things, it's just been a chill life out here on the ranch. I'm not accustomed to having so much free time and I have to admit I'm getting kind of bored and antsy. I never heard back from any of the school positions that I applied for so yesterday I applied to four outpatient jobs! I'm definitely intimidated and nervous about the steep learning curve that would be associated with changing practice settings but at the same time, financially (and emotionally!) I need to work so there's nothing for it. And Katie and Eric have been reminding me that even though it would be tough at first I would learn and grow a lot as a clinician which will benefit me for years to come. So I'm a little excited about the opportunity even though I'm nervous about it. I really hope that one of the options will work for our family. They are all listed as part-time on the job websites but don't provide a lot of details about what that would look like as far as number of hours, which days, etc. I know I probably won't be able to find something as ideal as my work situation in Oregon, which is a little sad, but hopefully we can find something that will work.  

But yeah, until I start working, I guess the kids and I will just be kicking it out here on the ranch and having ourselves a relaxing summer! Thankfully, Levi's soccer team starts practice next week! Yay! I am sooo excited for him to play soccer. We went and got him his cleats and shin guards and socks and ball last week and he is very excited about them. I really hope his coach and team are fun so that he loves it. Also, the kids and I start music class on September 6th! So soon we will have a little bit more structure to our week. Until then, we will just keep doing a lot of this:

Last play date with Lincoln and Cassidy before they moved back to Chicago. We hope that they will be moving back here next summer! That would be pretty awesome! But until then, it means that our only friends practically are now gone. It's a little lonely for me now. 

Levi "fixing" his bike. He set up the cardboard himself and got a bunch of random screws from the drawers and was working hard on his bike. 

My little laundry helper

Zoo day! Emery's adorable outfit was killing me! 

I have the cutest kids!

Levi went out at dawn (like 6:45 am) to check and see whether the flowers had opened up yet. I love how he's wearing socks with mismatched flip-flops. Proof of a boy who dresses himself - well at least his shoes and socks. Getting the boy to actually put clothes on is like pulling teeth every morning and usually I'm the one who ends up picking out his clothes just because he stalls and refuses to do it on his own. 

Have I mentioned that I love how beautiful it is here? 


Emery has been very into holding hands lately. She loves to grab my hand or Papi's hand or brother's hand and lead us where she wants to go! 

Have I mentioned that Emery LOVES watermelon? Well she does. And she stuffs her cheeks with it like crazy. 

There was a Buzz Lightyear backpack in the package of pull-ups that I got from Costco and when Levi found it he was SOOO excited! He had to go show it to Papi and Nona right away and also had Eric take a picture of him with it to send to Anson to show him! Haha. He had a hard time sleeping that night because he just wanted to play with his new backpack.

Typical bedtime scene: Me attempting to read the kids a book while Emery is a wild child! 

Levi wanted a picture with his Duplo creation. He is looking so ridiculously grown up I can barely stand it! 

Through all of the changes we have gone through lately and the stress of being unemployed and carless and homeless, I am so grateful for Eric for being such a great husband and father! He always plays with the kids when he is home and puts forth a lot of effort every week so that he and I can have date night on Saturdays and have fun together. I am very lucky! 

Daddy makes the best horsey! 

Father-son donut date! 

Eric and I went to the shooting range last Friday. As you can see, I'm not a great shot. Haha. But it is still fun! 

So yeah that's what's going on here. Hopefully by the next time I blog, I can report that we have been pre-approved for a mortgage! Until then, I will keep practicing my patience!

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