Sunday, October 13, 2019

All the house things!

We closed on our house!!!! The day has finally come and we are officially homeowners!! I can barely believe it. And I am wasting no time in diving into the remodel! All the utilities are in our name, Eric and I went and picked out countertops on Wednesday night, and I've got 5 trades coming tomorrow and Tuesday to measure things and give estimates! I bought the mortar to mortar-wash the fireplace and I have measured everything and made plans. The countertops will be ridiculously expensive (it was a bit of a stark reality check when they told us the estimate) but I really think they will be worth it for us. I just can't wait to start transforming this place into our home the way we want it! We've got Levi's mountain decals ordered and new trash cans ordered and our CREATE letters decorated to go above the craft table. I've got a million house things on my mind and I love it. This week while I am in the house I will take all my before pictures so that I can share before and afters.

Anyway, so that's been the big thing on my mind. But even with all this going on, I've been trying to make sure the kids and I spend quality time together too so that we aren't spending all our time running errands for our new house. On Friday night we had planned to go camping but the cold has finally come (yay!!!!) and it was just too darn freezing for us to sleep outside. So instead, we set up our tent in the backyard by the fire pit and set up our air mattress inside with a bunch of blankets and we did s'mores over the fire and read books and snuggled and even though it was cold outside it was cozy in the tent and it was honestly way more relaxing and fun than I thought it would be. It was so nice to kind of unplug from everything and just chill together. And then we just went inside and put the kids to bed like normal so we got a regular night's sleep. Yay! Also, Emery is finally doing better with her sleep again knock on wood! She actually slept all the way through last night! We put her down at the regular time and she didn't make a peep till we got her up for church this morning at 6:45. It was GLORIOUS!

Another random note, I have been really making an effort to do good workouts every single Tues, Thurs and Saturday and I am starting to feel a difference! I am not dying during the workouts anymore and I feel like in general I am starting to feel more fit and have more energy. I love it!

I realized that I haven't taken many pictures lately but here's what I've got. It's mostly pictures of Levi and Emery being cute together and with their cousins. :)

Emery's bangs are long enough now to be pulled back and it is just the cutest thing!! And that face. 

She just has the best smile ever!

Levi's cute little soccer team on picture day!

I made this for our room. You can't really tell from this picture but it's big: 24" x24" and I really like how it turned out! 

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