Eric and Greta's birthday cake. Eric found out recently that I had never eaten a Little Debbie treat before and vowed that I had to try them as they brought back such fond memories of his childhood. So I decided to decorate his birthday cake with Little Debbie snacks! It was disgustingly bad for us but also delicious :)
All of us at the Temple. We took turns babysitting so that each of us could do some initiatories. It was my first time back in the Temple since Levi was born and it was so nice to get to feel the peace there.
Love my sweet baby after bathtime!
Our little BYU Cougar!!
Also a huge Sharks fan thanks to Grandma and Grandpa
Levi got a little rug burn by his mouth from chewing on the straps of our baby carrier and rubbing his mouth all over them while we walked around the OMSI. :( Poor thing. Thankfully it healed up quickly.
We had ridiculously hot weather the weekend before Matt and Greta came so Levi got to go swimming for the first time. He wasn't quite sure what to think of it but he didn't seem to object :)
He was mostly interested in dipping his feet in the water but then taking them back out again :)
In other news, recently Eric had another moment of not quite being able to wake up at night to help out. I asked Eric to go get the baby. After asking twice, he said ok and got up and left the room. However, I could hear over the baby monitor that Levi was just getting more fussy and that Eric did not appear to have gone into the nursery. So I got up and went and got Levi and as I walked past the living room, I could see Eric just standing in the kitchen. So I took Levi back to our room to feed him. When Eric came back to our room, I asked him what he was doing.
Eric: I was trying to get the room ready for our child. But it was hard because... we didn't have anything that costed... I mean, that gave us points already."
Hahaha oh those sleepy nighttime moments with my husband. Priceless.
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