- My parents came into town for Memorial Day! I was counting down the days to get to see them again for weeks before they got here. I was seriously so excited and it was so great to spend time with them! We played lots of games, competed for Levi's smiles, ate yummy food and got to go to Saturday market and Bridal Veil Falls (which was absolutely gorgeous).
- Levi chuckled for the first time! And it was for his grandpa! It was seriously so adorable. I wish we had got it on video. He has done it a couple of more times since then, once for Eric and once for me, but never as much as he did for my dad who he thinks is hilarious, especially when Dad pretends to eat his toes :)
- My parents volunteered to watch Levi so Eric and I went on our first date since Levi was born! We got to go out to eat and went and saw The Jungle Book. It was sooo nice to have time alone with Eric and not be listening for/worrying about little man.
- We got to take some family pictures while my parents were here. I will share those later but I will say they turned out sooo cute!
- Summer is starting and our apartment pool is now open! I can't wait to go swimming and introduce Levi to water beyond the bathtub! Haha.
- My physical therapist is awesome. She makes an uncomfortable task much more bearable.
The Bad:
- C-Diff strikes again! And oh man it is back with a vengeance. I had gotten another test for it because my GI symptoms had lingered after that last bout of gastroenteritis. It came back positive for the Diff but then my symptoms started improving and I actually got back to nearly normal. (Thank you probiotics and Citrucel- I hate you but I need you). Then this last Friday, my parents came into town, and on Saturday I came down with a fever, chills and muscle aches again. By Sunday my GI symptoms were back in full force and I didn't feel up to doing much more than trying to become one with my couch. :( Thankfully the fevers only lasted through Monday and by Tuesday I was on Vancomycin again and feeling a bit better and well enough to do some gentle hiking with my parents. I was sad about the timing of my relapse because I would have loved to do so much more with my parents but it was also nice to have them around to help me with Levi while I felt so awful.
- I still am off dairy and holy cow have I been craving pizza!
- Eric's job search continues. It's like the quest that never ends. I trust that God has a plan for our family I'm just struggling to learn what it is.
The Ugly:
- What happens if this second round of vancomycin doesn't kick the C-Diff for good. Two words suffice: fecal transplant. I'm just going to leave it there.
So yeah, that's what's been going on the last couple of weeks. I'm excited to see what the rest of the summer has in store for our little family!
Bridal Veil Falls- so green and beautiful! I love Oregon :)
Levi was mesmerized by the light on the water.
So beautiful and peaceful! As it was a weekday morning when we went it was not crowded at all which was so nice! I'm really glad we got the opportunity to just sit there for a while and enjoy it.
Eric and Levi looking a little tired but still so dapper for church.
Those eyes though! He is such a handsome boy!
Such fun times! Love you all :)
ReplyDeleteYou know that emoji of the face with the really wide eyes? That's pretty much my response to "the ugly" part of this post. Hope it doesn't come to that!!