Sunday, March 11, 2018

Here comes the sun

After our recent snow, the weather has finally started to get more spring-like this past week and I'm loving having some sunshine back! It's still a bit cold outside but having more light in the evenings and mornings is making a big difference for my mood! I always feel so much more alive and happy when the sun comes back in the spring. 

Levi trying out the neighbor's tricycle. He figured out how to get his feet onto the pedals but couldn't actually pedal to make it go. 

He still thought it was pretty cool though. Oh and he insisted on wearing that hat even though it is too small for him. As we were getting ready to go outside he was like, "hat? hat" and then he found it in his drawer and insisted on wearing it. haha. 

This past week we celebrated little man's second birthday! I was super lucky because his birthday fell on a Tuesday (when I don't work) so we got to spend the whole day hanging out together and basically just doing whatever he wanted to do. It was awesome. We had raspberry chocolate overnight oats for breakfast, got to go play at the library in Wilsonville, ate pizza for lunch at Costco with Daddy (Levi's request), went to the truck park in the afternoon and had mac n cheese with hotdogs in it for dinner! Then after dinner, Katie came over and we opened presents and ate ice cream. Levi did a great job blowing out his candle that we stuck in his icecream. I credit all the practice from blowing his kazoo and harmonica! Haha I would say it was a birthday success. Levi loves his new toys! He especially likes his balance bike from grandma and grandpa, his toy tool set from me and Eric and his car play rug from Papi and Nona. He loves his new tools so much that he regularly carries them around with him and asked to take them with him to daycare on Wed and Thurs. He was so adamant about bringing them that Eric let him take his hammer in the car. Which turned out to be a problem when I picked him up from daycare and brought him home and there was no hammer there! For the whole hour from when we got home to when Eric got home with the hammer, Levi just kept asking for it: "My hammer? my hammer!" And I would tell him it was in Daddy's car and he would run to the window and look outside and say "go outside, Daddy car, hammer!" And I had to explain to him that Daddy was driving home from work still and so the car wasn't here yet. It was a hard evening for Bubba (and me!) haha. 

Playing at the truck park!

It was such a beautiful day! Even though you can't tell in this picture, there were other kids there and Levi had a good time playing near/alongside them. He hasn't quite gotten to the cooperative play stage yet (unless it's a bossy older kiddo who tells him what to do haha) but he loves to be around other kids. 

Levi was very excited to open all his presents. After he opened his tool set he wanted to use his tools to help him open all the other presents which made present opening much less effective and much more needing of adult assistance haha. 

 Anyway, so that was Levi's actual birthday. Then yesterday, we had his birthday party. We are so blessed in that we and Levi have such good friends in our ward! He got to have Porter and Riley, Lincoln and Liam over and they all had such a good time playing together. It's so great at this age because you just give them some balloons, some balls and the play kitchen and they were set. No games or special activities needed. I made Levi a cake with diggers on it and it was so cute but he didn't even try a single bite of it. He was much more interested in the ice cream, strawberries, blueberries and pretzels we served haha. (He did try some cake later in the afternoon). But yeah, the party was a ton of fun.

Levi's cake with diggers on it! I love how it turned out. 

Then later that afternoon Eric, Levi and I went up to Ikea to get a lamp for baby girl's nursery. We were going to get some spice racks to use as bookshelves in her and Levi's rooms also but they were completely sold out! So we will probably have to order those online. Hopefully its still a good deal when we have to pay for shipping. I've been getting more and more excited and into decorating baby girl's nursery. Now that we have the room I can start getting things to fill it and I love it. At the end of March is spring break so no work for me but Levi will still have daycare. Which means I will have two full days to hopefully do baby girl's dresser! Now I just have to find one that will work before then! I keep checking Craigslist and facebook. Nothing super promising yet, but I'm sure something will show up soon! 

So yeah, that's what's going on here. I'm excited for it to keep getting warmer so that Levi and Eric and I can spend more time outside together and not freezing! Especially now that Levi has his new bike to ride! Hopefully the next few weeks will keep trending towards nice weather. 

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