Sunday, March 4, 2018

Look Who's Turning 2!

Yesterday, Eric, Levi and I went and took Levi's two year pictures at Brown's Ferry Park. I had originally wanted to go take them at a place with big trucks and diggers for him to be around because I think he would think that was pretty cool but it was cloudy yesterday and by the time Levi was awake from his nap and we were ready to go, I was afraid the light wouldn't last long enough to get very far. So we just picked a close place. And it actually worked out great because just as we were finishing up pictures, Levi's best friend Lincoln happened to show up with his family on the way to feed the ducks! They invited us to join them so we tagged along and Levi had a lot of fun feeding the ducks and I got to snap some pictures of the two boys together! So here you go, pictures of my very grown up looking little boy! I love him soo much!

This boy's expressions! I can't even!

I love his hand in this one, he's like "What?"

Of course he wanted the camera for himself. I'm excited to see if he gets into photography some day. 

Levi was throwing a little fit about walking over the uneven ground of the meadow. I don't know why but he seemed very scared of it and wanted us to carry him. I still don't know what was bothering him so much about it because as soon as Lincoln showed up, he walked on it fine! Go figure. 

Little heartbreaker! He's so handsome even when he isn't really smiling. 

Watching the ducks.

Oh my goodness I love my boys!

Feeding the ducks with Lincoln.

Lincoln's family had brought a wagon so we put both boys in it for a picture. I love how Lincoln is looking at me like, "are you for real? I ain't smiling" Haha

1 comment:

  1. Best pics ever! Happy birthday to Levi 🎂🎉🎊
