Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Emery Newborn Photos

I am sooo excited about the newborn photos we had taken of little miss Emery! We had them taken by a lady in our stake who is a professional photographer and has a sweet little studio in her home and she did an AMAZING job! I feel like she and I have a similar style and she really took her time and let me feed Emery a couple times throughout the shoot. And Emery cooperated like a dream and slept beautifully the whole time and let us just pose her and her little hands so nicely! If you want to see more of Brindy's awesome work, check it out here:

So here is our little Emery at 8 days old! Prepare yourself for cute, cute baby overload!

Levi's face! I can't even it's so funny and cute! So him! 

He is very tender with her and loves to give her kisses. 

This nest is actually mine from when I thought I would be getting more into newborn photography before I decided that learning to do it well just didn't fit into my life at the time. 

I love her little hands! She actually does this same thing with her hands on her own regularly when she is nursing (except they are folded on her belly or chest not up by her face). 

Those kissy lips! I love them! 

You can't really tell in this picture but she has super long slender toes and fingers. Her footprints from the hospital look SO different from Levi's! 

 I love this! It just feels like she is little Oregon forest baby! 

I just love how these turned out so much and I can't wait to get some printed and get them up on my wall!

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