Baby girl is three weeks old today! She is such a champ! Loves to be held and worn and sleeps great! She has pretty consistently been giving me at least one 4 hour chunk between feedings at night which is awesome! And she sleeps a lot during the day too. I try hard to make sure she eats every 2 hours during the day and sometimes more frequently in the evening in order to help her eat less at night and I feel like it is really working. Or I'm just lucky haha.
We were so lucky to have my mom here for so long! She was a huge help to us while she was here, especially in helping Levi still have fun and feel loved even though I wasn't getting to spend much one-on-one time with him at all. On her last day here, Mom and I took the kiddos up to the Children's Museum which was a lot of fun. And I am really liking my new nursing tops from Milk Nursingwear because they make it so easy to nurse in public and stay covered! And they're flattering. Win, win.
Mom left on Thursday and Eric had gone back to work on Monday so Thursday and Friday were my first days home alone with two kiddos! I was a little nervous but we survived! And not just survived, but things actually went pretty smoothly! We even got to do a play date at the park on Friday with my friend Ashley and her kids Liam and Macey. Liam and Levi just ran around and chased each other while yelling and baby girl slept in the Solly wrap the whole time so I actually got some time to chat with Ashley and relax which was so nice.
I am so grateful that baby girl is really good about being worn! I have worn her grocery shopping, to the park, to the children's museum and around the house and she usually just sleeps contentedly the whole time! And the wrap is actually really comfortable and I love being hands free. It is super hot though so she and I both get pretty sweaty.
Then yesterday it was nice to spend the day together as a family again. Eric and I took the kids to the Berry Festival at Lee farms. Levi had a good time climbing on tractors, watching the ponies and riding tricycles with daddy. And we got a really yummy marionberry milkshake and strawberry shortcake.
So yeah, that's how life has been so far with two kids! We'll see how I am feeling after a full week home alone with them! Haha. This Thursday I have to take Emery up to an audiologist because she failed her newborn hearing screen in the hospital in her left ear. When the pediatrician looked at it at her two week check up last week, she told me that Emery's left ear canal is unusually shaped and because of it's shape it still had debris left in it from the birth! She said that if it is still there and Emery fails her hearing test on Thursday that we will have to take her to an ENT. I am not super worried about it because I feel like Emery hears us just fine but I hope that the shape of her ear canal doesn't set her up for a lot of ear infections in the future. I guess we will just have to see.
Here's some pictures from the last few weeks!
First Sunday outfit! Having a baby girl is so fun!! I can't believe that I didn't miss a single Sunday with Emery's birth! I went to church one week pregnant and went to church one week later with a week-old newborn. Maybe I'm crazy but it worked out just fine :)
Levi loved trying on grandma's glasses! And he looked soooo cute in them. Like a little engineer haha.
Levi loves to look at, touch, hug and give kisses to baby sister and so far he is really good about being gentle.
Second Sunday outfit. I just can't even she is so cute!
Eric is such a great daddy!! He is seriously gifted in his ability to calm baby girl down and get her to go to sleep! It helps that she is just a very sweet baby and tends to not cry for long even if she doesn't get what she wants (like if she is waiting for me to be able to feed her she will scream cry angrily but only for a little bit then she just quiets back and down and usually goes to sleep haha).
Love this picture of my kiddos with grandma!
I just had to capture how tiny little girl is right now on her changing table because I know it goes by so fast!
Hello bright eyes!
Chunky baby smiles!
Cute Sunday take 3! I love that she has so many adorable dresses! Also, I can't believe how chubby she is looking already.
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